Media Coverage

1041 - 1056 of 1210 Search results

Businesses, investment and hoarding (Daily Telegraph)

In a recent analysis on the approaching Budget, Philip Aldrick (Daily Telegraph) refers to the CPS’s latest publication Metroboom by George Trefgarne.

CPS publication Metroboom features in two Telegraph Blogs (DT)

Centre for Policy Studies most recent publication Metroboom: Lessons from Britians recovery in the 1930s by George Trefgarne, has become an influential focus for two blogs by Daniel Hannan MEP and Daniel Knowles.

Budget 2012: how ‘mansion tax’ would hit countryside and cities (Telegraph)

In a pre-Budget 2012 blog, Ian Cowie (Daily Telegraph) speculates on the Mansion Tax argument and refers to the CPS’s recent publication Taxing Mansions by Lucian Cook.

Big firms “hoarding” and not investing will endanger us all (Evening Standard)

Centre for Policy Studies Ketih Joseph Memorial Lecture features in an article by Anthony Hilton in the Evening Standard. He highlights on the pivotal points made by Roger Bootle, Captial Economics, on savings and investment in austerity.

‘The UK is over-taxed and over-regulated’ (Public Finance)

The Centre for Policy Studies has been pushing for a raise in the income tax allowance. Vivienne Russell, Public Finance reported in her article on this policy proposal.

“Deficit reduction remains the primary economic aim of this parliament” (Telegraph)

The Centre for Policy Studies 21 Policies featured in an analysis article by James Hall, Daily Telegraph.

“The Good Samaritan did not just have good intentions – he also had money” Ryan Bourne (The Commentator)

Ryan Bourne writes ‘It’s time for the Chancellor to make the case for capitalism, and recognise that as Margaret Thatcher outlined, the Good Samaritan did not just have good intentions –he also had money’ in an article for The Commentator

Today’s Top CPS stories

Today’s top stories from and about the CPS.

‘net Assets (12th March edition)

Today’s top stories from and about the CPS as well as some of the top content from the wider political web.

‘The tax squeeze is about to get worse’ (The Times)(£)

Mark Hookham and Marie Woolf, The Sunday Times, reflected on the weeks taxation arguments for Budget 2012, quoting Tim Knox, CPS Director, in referrence to Michael Johnsons Pensions: bring back the 10p rebate released on Friday.

‘Ditch child benefit, bring back the child tax allowance…’ – Right Minds (Daily Mail)

Kathy Gyngell, CPS Expert, argues for an end to Child Benefits and a return to Child Tax Allowance to end the dependency on state handouts.

Tony Lodge calls for Carbon Price Floor delay (The Times )

CPS Researcher Tony Lodge published a letter in The Times (£) on the 9th March.

Media Impact: Mansion Tax

The Centre for Policy Studies’ most recent publication on the Mansion Tax is already making an impact prior to Budget 2012.

Cable’s hopes might be “dashed” after CPS Mansion Tax findings (Tax-News)

CPS Taxing Mansions paper and researcher Lucian Cook are mentioned in a Tax-News evaluation of top-rate tax.

‘A so-called mansion tax will not achieve fairness and the revenue gain will be modest’ (City AM)

Ryan Bourne, Head Researcher for Economics at the CPS, wrote an article for this mornings City AM questioning the fairness of a Mansion Tax on those who are ‘income poor, assest rich’.

‘net Assets (7th March Edition)

Today’s top stories from and about the CPS as well as some of the top content from the wider political web.

1041 - 1056 of 1210 Search results