Media Coverage

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VIDEO: Tim Knox talks to The Telegraph about an EU referendum

Tim Knox welcomes the Chancellor’s hint at a referendum on Britain’s EU memebership as ‘very reassuring’.

Obituary: Dr. Brian Hindley

Former CPS Director Gerald Frost writes an obituary of Dr Brian Hindley.

Media Coverage for Andrew Tyrie IMF/Eurozone report

Major news coverage of today’s release ‘The IMF and the Eurozone: some observations’ from Andrew Tyrie MP.

Jon Moulton calls for sharper cuts now to avoid pain later

CPS Board Member Jon Moulton says public spending must be cut harder and sharper to avoid pain later.

VIDEO: Jin Liquin lecture to the Centre for Policy Studies

Jin Liqun, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the China Investment delivered a lecture at the Guildhall to the CPS.

Daily Politics Soapbox: George Trefgarne’s 1930s lesson

George Trefgarne from the Centre for Policy Studies finds there are lessons from history – in a personal viewpoint for the Daily Politics.

Is it the end of an era for the IMA? (Investment Week)

A number of key figures in the asset management space are backing recent proposals from t the Centre for Policy Studies.

Growth Bulletin

The economic storm clouds are gathering again in Euroland (literally, for Francois Hollande) as the Greek crisis looks close to breaking point.

Jacob Rees-Mogg MP calls for international aid and EU cuts, and a return to

Influential Tory-grassroots website Conservative Home have profiled the CPS’ lecture with Jacob Rees-Mogg that took place on 10th May 2012.

Press Release: Jacob Rees-Mogg MP: It’s time for full blooded Toryism

CPS press release for the Jacob Rees-Mogg MP lecture, Thursday 10 May 2012

Has Britain’s Prime Minister Cameron lost his gloss?

CPS Director Tim Knox gives his thoughts on the problems facing UK Prime Minister David Cameron for MSNBC.

Video: Tobin Tax Webcast

On Monday 23rd April 2012, the CPS partnered with The Information Daily to present a live webcast on the Tobin Tax, titled “Golden Egg or Dead Goose?”

Struggling without internet access (Financial Times)

CPS Deputy Chairman Tessa Keswick today wrote to the Financial Times about reliable internet connections across the country

Speech: Andrew Tyrie MP on the IMF and the Eurozone

Andrew Tyrie MP, Chairman of the influential Treasury Select Committee, this morning delivered a speech arranged by the Centre for Policy Studies on the IMF and the Eurozone.

Kathy Gyngell joins Russell Brand in giving evidence to Select Committee (BBC News)

CPS Research Fellow Kathy Gyngell joined journalist Peter Hitchens in giving evidence against drug decriminalisation to the Home Affairs Select Committee.

Fredrik Erixon, Director of ECIPE, speaks about the FTT (Information Daily)

Ahead of our live webcast with The Information Daily on 23rd April, Fredrik Erixon, Director of ECIPE, talks to about the proposals.

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