Media Coverage

993 - 1008 of 1210 Search results

UK energy policies are sabotaging industry’s global competitiveness (City AM)

CPS Research Fellow and energy policy expert Tony Lodge writes for City AM on the difference between the Chancellor’s outlook and actual UK policy.

Britain Unleashed – CPS named in ‘best of the web’ (Telegraph)

The Centre for Policy Studies was named in The Daily Telegraph’s feature ‘Britain Unleashed – best of the web’ on the future of capitalism.

Time to reconsider carbon tax plans (Financial Times)

CPS energy guru Tony Lodge writes to the Financial Times on the Coalition’s plans to introduce a carbon price floor.

The Big Questions answered by Harriet Sergeant (The Independent)

This week’s instalment of ‘The Big Questions’ in The Independent were answered by CPS Research Fellow Harriet Sergeant.

We need supply side reforms not more off-balance sheet spending (City AM)

Ryan Bourne, Head of Economic Research at the CPS, writes for City A.M. on the recent round of infrastructure investment announced by the government.

Who is in charge of education policy? (Conservative Home)

Director Tim Knox writes for Conservative Home on the rejection of the Phoenix Free School application.

CPS encourages ‘Policies for Growth’ (Daily Telegraph)

Tessa Keswick and Tim Knox joined other influential centre-right voices to push for a strategy for ‘sustained higher long-term economic performance’.

Why younger investors need a Super Isa (Investors Chronicle)

Moira O’Neill of Investors Chronicle takes a look at Michael Johnson’s CPS paper ‘Put the Saver First’.

VIDEO: Friedman at 100 – Professor Deepak Lal

Professor Deepak Lal explores Friedman’s legacy in academic economics at our ‘Friedman at 100’ event.

VIDEO: Friedman at 100 – John Redwood MP

John Redwood MP evaluates the extent to which Friedman’s work influenced the Conservative Governments of the 1980s.

VIDEO: Friedman at 100 – Professor Niall Ferguson

Professor Niall Ferguson examines Milton Friedman’s historical significance for free-market thinking.

“Our inadequate savings industry must invest in a future that pays dividends” (Yorkshire Post)

Michael Johnson writes for The Yorkshire Post on the rocketing cost of UK pensions.

Tom Burkard reacts to Michael Gove’s secondary school proposals

CPS Research Fellow and education expert Tom Burkard reacts to the news that Michael Gove is reportedly going to bring back O-levels.

Director Tim Knox writes for The Yorkshire Post on pensions

Tim Knox opinion column for The Yorkshire Post, 19th June 2012.

Economic lessons from Germany (The Spectator)

Ryan Bourne authored an article for The Spectator’s Coffee House section on lessons from Germany’s economic awakening over the last ten years.

Capitalism has not failed. Capitalism has not recently been tried (Daily Telegraph)

James Delingpole blogs for The Daily Telegraph on Tim Morgan’s recent CPS paper ‘The Quest for Change and Renewal’.

993 - 1008 of 1210 Search results