All too often people in this country feel that if you put in and contribute, you get less than your fair share. We all support a welfare state, but it has to ensure that those who look after themselves and families are rewarded not penalised, and this is at the heart of our welfare work.

Shaping the Debate: The Centre for Policy Studies in 50 Papers
To mark the 25th anniversary of the CPS in 1999, Matthew d’Ancona – then on the CPS board – compiled a catalogue of CPS reports, published as ‘The First Modernisers: The Centre for Policy Studies, Past & Future’. It contained a list of 298 CPS publications published up until that point, organised thematically and each… View Article

Justice for the Young
The gap between young and old has become the defining political and economic issue of our time, argues a new essay collection from the Centre for Policy Studies ‘Justice for the Young’ sets out the staggering extent of the challenge facing the country in paying for an ageing population while delivering a better life for… View Article

‘An NHS Royal Commission’ republished
More than 70 years after it was established, the NHS is facing arguably the worst crisis in its history. The impact of the coronavirus, lockdowns and inflation has seen waiting lists soar and staff take to the streets. The Government has poured in billions to fix the problems. But even without the current crisis, an… View Article

Solving the Childcare Challenge
Britain has the highest childcare costs in the developed world – a typical two-earner family in the UK spends around 30% of their household income on nurseries and childminders, twice as much as in France and three times higher than in Germany or Japan. This is despite the state subsidising childcare to the tune of… View Article

Is Manchester Greater? A New Analysis of NHS Integration
The CPS argues that Government should prioritise bottom-up integration and collaboration, as well as gathering more evidence from existing pilot schemes, rather than pursuing another top-down reorganisation of the NHS on an insufficient evidence base – especially given the strain the health service is already under due to the pandemic.

Fixing Social Care: The Fundamental Choices
As the Government prepares to unveil its long-awaited plan for social care, a new report by the Centre for Policy Studies, the leading centre-right think tank, weighs up the three leading options for social care reform, ranking them by cost, political feasibility and impact on supply.

Fixing the Care Crisis
In a new report for the Centre for Policy Studies, the Rt Hon Damian Green MP puts forward a bold and comprehensive proposal to secure the future of social care.

An NHS Bonus
NHS pay is opaque, outmoded, and rising nearly three times as fast as claimed. Reform is needed to address gaps in care between rich and poor areas and incentivise staff performance, says new CPS report.

Why the health of the NHS depends on growth and reform
CPS cautions against increased NHS spending following analysis which shows that such extra spending has an alarming tendency to go hand in hand with greater waste.

Powerful Patients & Paperless Systems
A major new report by Havant MP Alan Mak, published by the Centre for Policy Studies, proposes ambitious reforms to the NHS, shedding paper, pagers and fax machines to create a fully digital NHS that will help patients take control of their treatment.

A Royal Commission on the NHS: The Remit
Maurice Saatchi and Dominic Nutt outline how a well-designed Royal Commission, above party politics and agendas, can bring together a blueprint to safeguard the future of the NHS.

The Medico-Legal Crisis and How to Solve It
The NHS’ liabilities for medico-legal claims now total £65bn, draining the NHS of much-needed funds and putting patients at risk by driving GPs out of practice.

NHS needs a Royal Commission to deliver health system fit for the 21st century
Lord Saatchi presses for a Royal Commission into the future of the NHS

The Independence Revolution must go on
The Government’s record in reducing dependency on the State is strong, but there is plenty more to do..

The Lingering Travails of the Loi du Travail
Stringent labour laws are causing France’s labour market to underperform compared to European competitors – reform is now desperately needed.

Welfare Dependency Falls But Still Much Further To Go
Over half of all UK households are still receiving more from the state than they pay in taxes.