Media Coverage

1 - 16 of 1210 Search results

Low-skilled migration will cost Britain, says CPS Research Director

Karl Williams, CPS Research Director, has written a column for the Sunday Telegraph outlining the impact Britain’s record migration levels are having on the economy. Highlighting new figures released by the OBR, as well as CPS research in our ‘Taking Back Control’ report, he argues that because of current mix of migration is skewed towards… View Article

CPS staff dominate coverage of newly announced housing framework

Responding to the package of announcements as a whole, CPS Head of Housing Samuel Hughes told The Telegraph Labour’s plans were “pretty bold”, echoing the comment from CPS Director Robert Colvile, available here. CPS External Affairs Director Emma Revell was quoted by the Financial Times, criticising the downgrading of targets in London. She said was “madness”… View Article

The Times splashes on CPS map of the ‘grey vote’

CPS research from ‘Justice for the Young’, which calculated that over 55s would be a majority of voters in a majority of constituencies at the next election, was updated to reflect new boundaries and featured in a splash for The Times. The paper reproduced an interactive map which allows readers to check their constituency and see… View Article

‘Facing Fakes’ subject of The Times leader column

The Times newspaper wrote it’s leader column, Monday 17 June, on deepfake technology, referencing the recent CPS paper ‘Facing Fakes’. The report by CPS Head of Tech and Innovation Matthew Feeney claims that Britain is experiencing it’s ‘first deepfake election’ and that while we need to be aware of the dangers of people using deepfake… View Article

News coverage for ‘Conservative Revolution’ launch

The Centre for Policy Studies published ‘Conservative Revolution’ on Tuesday 8 June with a drinks reception addressed by Charles Moore. The book was covered by the Sunday Express, featured in Moore’s column for The Spectator, and External Affairs Director Emma Revell wrote about the book in her weekly City A.M. column. The launch event also… View Article

McVey makes headlines with CPS-hosted speech

Esther McVey, Minister without Portfolio at the Cabinet Office, made headlines with her first public speech since her appointment. Speaking to invited guests at the Centre for Policy Studies event, McVey set out how to deliver better services, tackle unnecessary processes and wasteful spending, as well as discussing how a common sense approach can improve… View Article

Migration report makes Daily Express front page

Following the release of our report, ‘Taking Back Control‘ authored by Robert Jenrick MP, Neil O’Brien MP and CPS Director of Research Karl Williams, and the subsequent launch event held at Old Queen Street Cafe on Wednesday 8th May, we received coverage across a range of print, radio and TV outlets – plus the front… View Article

Sunday papers splash on upcoming immigration report

A spectrum of Sunday newspapers have covered an upcoming Centre for Policy Studies report on immigration, written with Robert Jenrick MP and Neil O’Brien MP. The proposal of a ‘Migration Budget’ which would allow Parliament to vote on an overall migration cap and cap the numbers of visas available under individual routes was reported on… View Article

CPS fellow gives verdict on Bernanke review

Comments by economist and CPS Research Fellow Dr Gerard Lyons on the Bernanke review were picked up by the i newspaper and by Bloomberg, following its publication April 12. “Given the fundamental problems [the review] highlights”, Lyons said, “it should not be seen as a one-off”. Read Gerard Lyons’ full comment here, he also wrote… View Article

City figures urge Hunt to axe stamp duty on shares

A new CPS paper leads the front page of City A.M. ‘Sharing the Wealth’, written by Gerard B. Lyons and CPS Director Robert Colvile, calls on the government to abolish stamp duty on shares. The paper, which is endorsed by major city figures, makes the front page of City A.M., with an opinion piece by… View Article

New Home Office data shows pressure from migration unlikely to ease

As Home Office figures show a year-on-year rise in the number of visas issued in 2023, CPS Research Director Karl Williams’ comments were reported in the Daily Mail and Daily Express. Read Karl’s full response here.

Hunt searching for ‘sustainable way’ to run the British state, says CPS Research Director

CPS Research Director Karl Williams has spoken to City A.M., ahead of next week’s Budget, about the role public spending will play in the Chancellor’s decision making. “He’s got to keep the bond markets on side,” Williams told the paper, “but he also wants tax cuts now.” “This is partly why he is so focused… View Article

Young people face ‘tax-and-spend doom loop’, says CPS Research Director

“The gap between the old and the young is one of the defining economic and political challenges of our time”, writes CPS Research Director Karl Williams, in a new piece for ConservativeHome. In the article, Williams outlines the challenges of a low/no-growth economy, combined with rising demand but public services, including the healthcare and pensions… View Article

Land banking is ‘a consequence of a broken planning system’ – CPS Director

Robert Colvile, CPS Director, is quoted alongside other think tanks by Guido Fawkes, responding to a new report from the Competition and Markets Authority. The CMA found, among other things, that the planning system is having a significant impact on the nation’s ability to build. Colvile told the website “So many reviews say the same… View Article

Migration impact of housing hits headlines once again

New ONS figures on projected population growth highlight the UK’s reliance on migration and will exacerbate the housing crisis. CPS Research Director Karl Williams responded to the figures with analysis suggesting that we will need to build at least 5.7 million homes in England over 15 years to meet the demands of a growing population…. View Article

The Telegraph reports on minister’s comments at CPS event

Comments by Cabinet Office Minister Alex Burghart MP at an event held by the Centre for Policy Studies have been reported by The Telegraph. Burghart told the event, entitled ‘AI in Whitehall’ and chaired by CPS Head of Tech Matthew Feeney, that AI and over computer programmes could, in future, replace some civil service jobs,… View Article

1 - 16 of 1210 Search results