Media Coverage

1057 - 1072 of 1210 Search results

Thatcherite think-tank slams mansion tax plan (Evening Standard)

The CPS publication ‘Taxing Mansions’ was featured on Page 2 of the Evening Standard.

‘net Assets (6th March Edition)

Today’s top stories from and about the CPS as well as some of the top content from the wider political web.

Mansion Tax would lose money ( Daily Telegraph)

The Centre for Policy Studies’ recent publication Taxing Mansions: the taxation of high value residential property, by Lucian Cook, is discussed in an article by Christopher Hope, Daily Telegraph.

Mansion Tax would only raise £1 billion in revenue (The Times)

Centre for Policy Studies report Taxing Mansions receieves a mention in The Times

‘A mansion tax is unfair, unconservative and wouldn’t raise much money’ (ConHome)

Tim Knox, CPS Director, has written an article for Conservative Home on the recent CPS publication by Lucian Cook.

Taxing homes will only chaseaway potential investment (City A.M.)

In an editorial letter for City A.M., Alaister Heath discusses the findings from the Centre for Policy Studies recent publication on the Mansion Tax.

CPS Publication ‘Phoney War on Drugs’ in Bad Habits article (The Spectator)

A 2009 report by CPS Expert Kathy Gyngell, ‘The Phoney War on Drugs’ and its focus on state expenditure to treat drug abuse is referred to in a Bad Habits article in The Spectator.

‘net Assets (5th March Edition)

Today’s top stories from and about the CPS as well as some of the top content from the wider political web.

CPS Corporation Tax recommendations feature in Budget predictions (is4profit)

The Centre for Policy Studies’ Corporation Tax recommendations, by Michael Johnson has been featured as a predicted inclusion in this years Budget so says i4profit in its Small Business News article.

No Wonder They Can’t Add Up (Daily Mail)

CPS Expert Kathy Gyngell discusses the poor condition of education and the impact it is having on children’s numeracy skills in her Right Minds Blog (Daily Mail)

‘net Assets

After a brief pause at the beginning of the year, we are back with our top stories online, both from the CPS and the wider political web.

Media Impact UPDATE: Michael Johnson ‘A market-orientated solution to annuities’

Micahel Johnson wrote an article for Professional Pensions titled: A market-orientated solution to annuities.

Media Impact: Michael Johnson proposes annuities clearing house

Michael Johnsons recent paper on solving the annuities problem by establishing a new clearing house. The paper argues that the current annuities market is unfair and that a new means of selling annuities would improve the market for retirees,

Ryan Bourne writes for ConHome on CPS Share scheme

Ryan Bourne writes for Conservative Home on the advantages of the CPS proposal to give every UK taxpayer a share in the nationalised RBS and Lloyds banks.

Cutting corporation tax is good for growth (The Spectator)

Johnathan Jones,The Spectator, compares tax cut options to help boost the economy and labels the CPS corporation tax cut as a viable one for growth.

CPS tax cutting proposals highlighted in The Spectator

Fraser Nelson highlights the work of the CPS on tax cutting proposals ahead of the budget in his Spectator column.

1057 - 1072 of 1210 Search results