Media Coverage

1073 - 1088 of 1210 Search results

Lord Flight: Deficit financing might get a lot harder so Osborne should cut faster now (ConHome)

Lord Flight writes for Conservative Home and highlights the CPS publication “How to Cut Government Spending: Lessons from Canada”.

Kathy Gyngell: Emasculated Labour straps itself to the mast of childcare (Mail Right Minds)

Emasculated Labour straps itself to the mast of childcare – whilst male unemployment goes up and downWrites Centre for Policy Studies expert, Kathy Gyngell in her Right Minds blog (Daily Mail).

Lord Skidelsky & Prof. Miller respond in FT to Growth Bulletin; CPS share scheme under consideration; Dominic Raab on Capitalism and the little guy (E-Bulletin)

The Centre for Policy Studies has just released its new E-Bulletin for Thursday 21st February 2013.

Andrew Tyrie MP on the Coalition’s growth strategy (ConHome)

Andrew Tyrie’s forthcoming CPS report mentioned by Paul Goodman in article calling for faster and deeper cuts.

Pension funds must scale up and think big (

CPS Research Fellow Michael Johnson has followed up on his recent letter calling for a merger of local government pensions funds by writing for the Financial Times on the issue.

Cutting corporation tax – a top priority for Budget 2012 (Daily Telegraph)

The Centre for Policy Studies’ recent policy suggestion on cutting corporation tax recieves a mention in the Daily Telegraph’s analysis on the up-and=coming Budget 2012.

Is going green putting us further in the red? (E-Bulletin)

The latest bulletin from the Centre for Policy Studies was published yesterday.

Tim Knox: A cut in corporation tax will be beneficial to everyone (LSE Blogs)

CPS Director Tim Knox writes for the London School of Economic on the benefits of cutting corporation tax.

Ryan Bourne interviewed by Voice of Russia Radio

Ryan Bourne, CPS Head of Economic Research, was interviewed by Voice of Russia Radio on the origins and agenda of the Occupy Movement in the UK.

Tory Party heavyweights in public clash over UK’s green agenda (Click Green)

Environmental policy site Click Green profile the CPS debate ‘Is there a valid economic case for ‘going green’ in an ‘age of austerity’?’

Breaking down barriers for exports (Growth Bulletin)

View the latest CPS Growth Bulletin – The Only Way Is Exports

There are more wind farms than necessary (The Telegraph)

Tony Lodge is today published on the Letters page of The Telegraph with an insightful piece on wind farms.

101 schemes with a deficit problem (Financial Times)

Michael Johnson’s letter calling for the 101 local government pensions schemes to be merged into just five funds

News coverage for “How to Cut Corporation Tax”

The CPS today released its report “How To Cut Corporation Tax” by David Martin. We take a look at some of the news coverage for this important paper

CPS Research Fellow calls for pension scheme merger

CPS Research Fellow Michael Johnson has authored an open letter calling for local government pensions schemes to be merged to ensure more efficient performance.

A substantial Corporation Tax cut would send a bold pro-growth, pro-enterprise message (ConHome)

CPS Director Tim Knox writes for Conservative Home on the proposals of Research Fellow David Martin in “How to Cut Corporation Tax”.

1073 - 1088 of 1210 Search results