Media Coverage

1105 - 1120 of 1210 Search results

Double whammy from green taxes (Daily Mail)

Daily Mail report on the CPS publication ‘The Atomic Clock’ by Tony Lodge

The Atomic Clock

One third of all households in the UK will be in fuel poverty by 2030 unless the Coalition rapidly moves to encourage & enable building of new nuclear plant, writes Tony Lodge in The Atomic Clock

Nuclear power urged to beat fuel poverty (Yorkshire Post)

The Yorkshire Post reports on Tony Lodge’s CPS paper ‘The Atomic Clock’.

The decline of marriage: ­the government has hardly been neutral in the matter Mr Clegg (Mail Online)

CPS Research Fellow Kathy Gyngell blogs for the Mail’s Right Minds collection.

Clean power tax ‘threatens to kill off coal’s comeback (The Times)

The Times’ Natural Resources section reports on the CPS publication by Tony Lodge due to be published in the new year.

Britain to be the next Singapore (Scottish Sunday Express)

CPS Director Tim Knox was quoted in the Scottish Sunday Express on Britain’s relationship with Europe post-David Cameron’s veto.

Welcome to the self-preservation society (Sunday Times)

CPS Director Tim Knox was quoted in the Sunday Times on the toughening of social attitudes in favour of self reliance.

David Cameron’s Veto (Wall Street Journal)

CPS Research Fellow Rupert Darwall writes for the Wall Street Journal on David Cameron’s decision to veto the EU treaty.

CPS Economic Researcher Ryan Bourne wins Eric Forth Award

CPS Head of Economic Research Ryan Bourne was presented with the Eric Forth award at YBF8 over the weekend.

The Brussels Broadcasting Corporation pins failure to save the euro on David Cameron (Mail Online)

CPS Research Fellow Kathy Gyngell blogs for the Mail’s Right Minds section on the BBC’s coverage of the Euro crisis and David Cameron’s use of the veto.

For-profit education (The Telegraph)

CPS Research Fellow Tom Burkard is featured in The Telegraph’s letters page on private sector-run universities.

David Cameron must defend the City of London against EU measures that will wreck our economy (The Telegraph)

CPS Board member Lord Flight and several recent authors signed a letter to The Telegraph regarding the threat to the City of London from EU measures.

New inflation-linked bonds could lose you money ( reports on warnings for savers not to rush into inflation-linked bonds and includes the recent factsheet update from Ryan Bourne.

Top Stories Online

Today’s stories from and about the CPS, as well as some of the most interesting articles seen online.

Tony Lodge Letter: Fuel poverty (The Times)

CPS Research Fellow Tony Lodge is published in The Times’ Letters to the Editor today on fuel poverty.

Savers are not off their trolley, just desperate (The Times)

Today’s updated factsheet from the CPS’ Ryan Bourne – The recent history of MPC inflation forecasts – has been mentioned by Patrick Hosking in The Times

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