Media Coverage

81 - 96 of 96 Search results

No need for Spring Budget giveaways – CityAM

Daniel Mahoney has written for CityAM’s opinion page today, Monday 6 March 2017, warning agaist the temptation to offer spending commitments in the upcoming budget. Phillip Hammond’s first budget as Chancellor comes shortly after the announcement of better than expected economic growth figures but that shouldn’t mean a rapid increase in spending. “Significant fiscal giveaways,… View Article

Tony Lodges writes on rail competition for Yorkshire Post

Tony Lodge, author of a Centre for Policy Studies report on rail competition, has written a piece for the Yorkshire Post published 3 March 2017 on why increasing competition benefits passengers. Tony notes that passengers travelling from Doncaster and York benefit greatly from open access rail – where other train companies run services that compete with the… View Article

Public back Saatchi’s call for Royal Commission

Britons strongly back the creation of a non-political Royal Commission, proposed earlier this month by Lord Saatchi, to ensure the NHS is fit for purpose for the next generation. In a ComRes opinion poll published today, 61 per cent said they supported a Royal Commission, while only one in twenty (6%) say that the NHS… View Article

CPS research fellows’ evidence features in House of Lords report

The House of Lords Select Commitee on Economic Affairs today published its latest report entitled The Price of Power: Reforming the Electricity Market. Two CPS research fellows, Tony Lodge and Rupert Darwell, gave evidence before the Committee hearings and their testimony is referenced in the report. The Centre for Policy Studies report on the energy market… View Article

The Times: CPS warns against

The Times has reported on a new CPS report, UK Manufacturing: How to Fuel the Engine, published on Wednesday 22 February 2017. The piece, which links the report to a leading manufactors conference taking place on the same day, includes the report’s warning against an aggressive industrial strategy from the government. “A leading Conservative think tank… View Article

Lord Saatchi writes lead op-ed for Mail on Sunday

Lord Saatchi, chairman of the Centre for Policy Studies, wrote an op-ed for the Mail on Sunday on 19 February 2017 to accompany their coverage of his latest CPS paper, A NHS Royal Commission: From fighting fires to a lasting settlement. The paper calls for a Royal Commission to give the NHS a full body check-up,… View Article

FT reports on the lost decade for pensions

Award winning pensions correspondent Josephine Cumbo wrote an article in the Financial Times which covered our report from Michael Johnson on the ongoing crisis in the Local Government Pensions Scheme. “The LGPS is one of the largest defined benefit pension schemes in the world, with 5.4m former and current town hall workers relying on the… View Article

Choice puts railways on the right track

CPS research fellow Tony Lodge writes for The Times, Monday 13 February, following the publication of the Transport Committee’s report into rail franchising. Tony sets out the clear evidence from previous CPS publications that show competition on lines leads to increased passenger satisfaction. “At King’s Cross the main franchise, Virgin Trains East Coast, faces stiff… View Article

CPS maintains position in think tank rankings

The University of Pennsylvania has published its annual report on think tanks across the globe and the Centre for Policy Studies has maintained its position as the Number 1 UK Policy think tank for “Most Innovative Policy Ideas/Proposals The Centre for Policy Studies also ranks as: Top 100 think tank worldwide Top 50 think tank… View Article

Housing White Paper quotes Pink Planning reports

Government White Paper published following CPS report calling for action on housing The Centre for Policy Studies welcomes the publication today of the Government White Paper on the future of Britain’s housing market, Fixing Our Broken Housing Market. Last week the Centre for Policy Studies report Housing: Now is the Time to Seize the Opportunity highlighted the changing… View Article

Transport Committee praises Open Access Rail

Our Economic Bulletin in December 2016 noted that, at a time when strikes and delays on our rail networks dominate the headlines, open access routes – where multiple operators run trains on the same line, thereby increasing customer choice – satisfaction rates were at their highest. In the bulletin, Daniel Mahoney argued more routes should… View Article

Increased support for house building – CityAM

CityAM published an article today, Thursday 2 February 2017, on CPS’ recent housing report and the need for the government to build more homes to meet its target of 1 million new homes by 2020. The article picked up on the figures quoted in the report from the British Social Attitudes survey sugesting that nimbyism… View Article

Ireland will benefit from City Brexodus

Daniel Mahoney, CPS’ Head of Economic Research, argues that Ireland will benefit greatly from any City Brexodus as a result of the Leave vote in CityAM, Monday 30 January 2017. “Although Theresa May has provided a degree of clarity on the Brexit negotiations, remaining uncertainties mean that financial service firms will, inevitably, seek to implement some restructuring… View Article

“Kindness of Strangers” damages the economy – Telegraph

The CPS report “Kindness of Strangers” features in an article in the Telegraph, Thursday 23 January 2017, which outlines the dangers of the UK’s current financial policies. The article comes as quantitative easing – intended to be a short-term measure after the financial crisis in 2008 – approaches it’s tenth anniversary in February. The report references the… View Article

Daily Mail features story on “Dfid Diet”

The CPS’ Economic Bulletin “Time for a Dfid Diet?” was featured in the Daily Mail, Sunday 19 January 2017, saying the report puts pressure on the Government to re-consider it’s 0.7% target for spending on foreign aid. “Britain’s bloated aid budget should be put on a ‘diet’ in the wake of the Brexit vote, a study says today…. View Article

Daniel Mahoney writes on rail competition for CityAM

Daniel Mahoney writes for CityAM, Monday 9 January 2017, on the need for more choice and competition in the UK’s rail network. “Since the privatisation of the railways, successive governments have been resistant to open access competition on passenger routes. Open access operators (OAOs) are train companies that secure track access agreements for individual routes… View Article

81 - 96 of 96 Search results