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Common Ground Conservatism

How can the Conservative Party recover from electoral catastrophe? Following an extensive programme of quantitative and qualitative research led by James Frayne, the CPS argues that the party needs to return to the ‘common ground’ first identified by Margaret Thatcher and Keith Joseph in the 1970s.

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49 - 64 of 854 Research articles

Economic Bulletin: The Bleak Midwinter

Karl Williams - Energy

As the new Government prepares to unveil its package of energy reforms, analysis from the Centre for Policy Studies shows the extraordinary potential cost of some of the measures under consideration. A new briefing note from the think tank, ‘The Bleak Midwinter’, sets out the awful economic impacts of the energy price crisis and the… View Article

The New Majority

James Frayne - Politics

Working-class voters are abandoning the Conservatives as the cost of living crisis bites – and shoring up their support needs to be the party’s overwhelming priority That is the main message in ‘The New Majority’, a new report by the Centre for Policy Studies and policy research agency Public First, which examines the changes to… View Article

No Way to Help the High Street

Tom Clougherty - Economy

The Government has floated the idea of an online sales tax to support high streets at the expense of online retailers, potentially set at 1% or 2% of online sales. A new paper from the Centre for Policy Studies, supported by the Coalition for a Digital Economy (Coadec), today shows that this would do more… View Article

The Right to Own

Alex Morton - Economy

Right to Buy was one of the most transformative policies of the 20th century, making the dream of home ownership a reality for millions. Since its introduction in the 1980s, approximately 4.5 million social tenants took up the opportunity to buy their homes from the state. But the numbers have fallen off a cliff, hitting a low of… View Article

Why Choose Britain?

Robert Colvile - Economy

Britain’s prosperity has long depended on being open to talent and investment. Following Brexit and the pandemic, and amid the worst cost of living crisis in a generation, that openness is more important than ever. It is crucial to boosting economic growth and raising living standards, and will be absolutely necessary in delivering the Government’s… View Article

Cutting the cost of living

Karl Williams - Economy

British households continue to face the dire realities of a worsening cost of living crisis, which the Government has rightly made its number one priority. A new Centre for Policy Studies briefing paper today outlines a host of measures that the Government could implement immediately to help address the short term challenges of the cost of living… View Article

Changing Track

Tony Lodge - Public Services

Just over two years ago the United Kingdom went into its first national lockdown. Overnight, rail lost its monopoly on commuting. Journeys fell from 1.7 billion to 388 million and the industry faced an unprecedented revenue crisis which has burdened taxpayers with a £14 billion bill. Despite the UK being one of the most open societies… View Article

Solving the Childcare Challenge

Elizabeth Dunkley - Public Services

Britain has the highest childcare costs in the developed world – a typical two-earner family in the UK spends around 30% of their household income on nurseries and childminders, twice as much as in France and three times higher than in Germany or Japan. This is despite the state subsidising childcare to the tune of… View Article

Economic Bulletin: Back to the 1970s?

Karl Williams - Economy

The Cost of Living Crisis The cost of living squeeze is already hurting British households, and it’s only going to get worse. Inflation – which reached 5.5% in January – is outpacing wage growth, leading to a decline in real incomes. Interest rates are going up. At least two thirds of adults are reporting cost… View Article

National Insurance: A Plan to Blunt the Pain

Robert Colvile - Economy

With every week that goes by, the depth of the cost of living crisis becomes clearer – and the impact on households worsens. So the Government’s planned 1.25% rise in National Insurance Contributions, set to come into force in just two weeks, could not come at a worse time. The Centre for Policy Studies has… View Article

Trading Up

Nick King - Economy

SMEs make up 99.9% of UK businesses, employing 16.3 million people. They are at the heart of the UK economy. Yet historically, they have been far more reluctant to export than their international rivals. Only one in 10 British businesses export; far fewer than many of our European counterparts. In a major new paper, CPS… View Article

Economic Bulletin: Is there any money left?

Karl Williams - Economy

With Covid restrictions finally lifted, the country’s attention is turning from public health back to the economy. Cost of living pressures, the balance between tax, spending and debt, and the pressing need to raise Britain’s mediocre long-term growth rates are once more at the forefront of the policy debate – and rightly so. Britain faces… View Article

Clearer, Fairer, Better: The case for UK subsidy transparency

CPS - Economy

A joint paper by the Centre for Policy Studies and Centre for Public Data, backed by the Government’s Anti-Corruption Champion, John Penrose MP, argues that the Government should slash the new threshold for declaring subsidies from £500,000 to £500

Looking East: The Case for UK Membership of CPTPP

Elizabeth Dunkley - Economy

In a new report for the Centre for Policy Studies, Anthony Mangnall MP makes a robust case for British membership of the CPTPP trading area

Levelling Up and Zeroing In

James Heywood - Economy

A new report by the Centre for Policy Studies says the Government can level up and decarbonise the economy simultaneously by introducing a carbon border tax, alongside a selection of other policies

The Value of University

Conor Walsh - Education

The report, ‘The Value of University’, looks at the economic returns of a range of university courses, and finds huge discrepancies in the amount of taxpayer money being spent on those courses which do not improve the lifetime earnings of the students.

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49 - 64 of 854 Research articles