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Common Ground Conservatism

How can the Conservative Party recover from electoral catastrophe? Following an extensive programme of quantitative and qualitative research led by James Frayne, the CPS argues that the party needs to return to the ‘common ground’ first identified by Margaret Thatcher and Keith Joseph in the 1970s.

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17 - 32 of 854 Research articles

Shaping the Debate: The Centre for Policy Studies in 50 Papers

Karl Williams - Constitution & Democracy

To mark the 25th anniversary of the CPS in 1999, Matthew d’Ancona – then on the CPS board – compiled a catalogue of CPS reports, published as ‘The First Modernisers: The Centre for Policy Studies, Past & Future’. It contained a list of 298 CPS publications published up until that point, organised thematically and each… View Article

Sharing the Wealth

Gerard B. Lyons - Finance & Investment

In recent months, there has been an intense focus on the competitiveness of the City of London. The Government has unveiled a suite of reforms intended to bolster financial services, and unleash more capital and investment. Labour, too, have promised to ‘unashamedly champion the financial services sector as one of the UK’s greatest assets’. Yet… View Article

Choices for Children

Andrew Lewer MP - Education

The education reform agenda has been built on choice. But those at the bottom of the economic pyramid often have the least control over their educational experience A new report by Andrew Lewer MP identifies three groups who would benefit most from changing this: ‘looked-after children’, those from poorer backgrounds, and children in ‘inadequate’ schools It makes… View Article

Net Migration and Housing – A CPS Briefing

Karl Williams -

Revised net migration figures released last week by the Office for National Statistics show the UK had a record level of net migration in 2022 – 745,000 The new net migration figure is equivalent to 1.1% of the UK population Combined with net migration of 467,000 in 2021, migration has increased the UK population by… View Article

Permanent Full Expensing

Tom Clougherty - Tax

The Chancellor should make full expensing permanent at the forthcoming Autumn Statement. Doing so would raise long-run investment, and increase real wages and economic growth Permanent full expensing is a vital step in counteracting Britain’s chronically low rate of capital investment, which was 20% lower than the OECD average in the decade before the pandemic… View Article

Justice for the Young

CPS - Economy

The gap between young and old has become the defining political and economic issue of our time, argues a new essay collection from the Centre for Policy Studies ‘Justice for the Young’ sets out the staggering extent of the challenge facing the country in paying for an ageing population while delivering a better life for… View Article

The UK’s International Tax Competitiveness: 2023 Update

Tom Clougherty - Tax

The UK ranks 30th out of 38 OECD countries in the 2023 edition of the International Tax Competitiveness Index, published annually by the US-based Tax Foundation. This is down three places from 2022. The UK ranks second for its cross-border tax rules, but comes 26th for individual taxes, 28th for corporate tax, and 35th for… View Article

Regulating Artificial Intelligence: The Risks and Opportunities

Matthew Feeney -

The Prime Minister’s AI Safety Summit at Bletchley Park in early November is an opportunity for the UK to take the lead on AI regulation and signal its openness to industries and sectors developing the next generation of AI While sci-fi narratives about the destructive potential of AI are popular, they are overblown Ahead of… View Article

The Power of Ownership

John Redwood MP - Economy

Ownership is at the heart of conservatism but the country is at risk of forgetting lessons learned after the Second World War ‘The Power of Ownership’ by Sir John Redwood MP warns that the UK is at risk of slipping back into nationalised industry, government-directed companies, and reliance on Whitehall to generate solutions Instead, politicians… View Article

The Case Against the Energy Price Cap

Dillon Smith - Energy

Although introduced with the best intentions, the Energy Price Cap (EPC) has gone far beyond its intended purpose and is actively harming competition The EPC was originally brought in as a time-limited intervention to protect a specific group of customers from price-gouging The recent energy crisis has meant it now functions not as a price… View Article

Family-Friendly Taxation

Tom Clougherty - Tax

A new report from the Centre for Policy Studies and Conservative Growth Group warns that the British tax system is increasingly unfair towards families Couples with the same overall income can end up paying dramatically different amounts of tax depending on how earnings are divided between them. A couple earning £60,000 with two children will… View Article

A Pane in the Neck: How to improve building regulations

Samuel Hughes - Housing

Building is a troublesome business, and for as long as we have had urban life, we have had restrictions on what and how people can build. The oldest extant British regulation dates from 1189, but building restrictions undoubtedly existed a millennium earlier under the Roman Empire. Unlike the planning system, which dates only to the… View Article

Retail Therapy

Nick King - Economy

Britons like to save – but too many of us are saving in cash, despite the more attractive returns which might be available through investing in shares There is £1.8 trillion of cash in savings accounts – roughly equivalent to the entire market capitalisation of the FTSE 100 – and approximately £300m in National Savings… View Article

Passing the Test

Mark Lehain - Education

The growth of academies and multi-academy trusts has changed the face of English schools for the better From only 203 in May 2010, academies now make up more than 10,000 of the country’s 22,000 state schools The growth in ‘multi-academy trusts’ (MATs) has allowed leaders to push up quality and standards for children across multiple… View Article

The Unregulated Regulator

- Media & Technology

The Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers (DMCC) Bill, currently progressing through the House of Commons, would give the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) new, extensive and unchecked powers to reshape digital markets and regulate outcomes across the economy As currently drafted, the Bill undermines parliamentary sovereignty and removes democratic accountability by handing such expansive ‘quasi-legislative’… View Article

The Language of Freedom

Dr Frank Luntz - Constitution & Democracy

We are all obsessed with which party is getting what share of the vote- both now and the next UK polling day – but what are the fundamental values driving British public opinion? In a major new survey Dr Frank Luntz, the world’s leading expert on political language and communication, has worked with the Centre… View Article

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17 - 32 of 854 Research articles