Laurence Tonna

Laurence has worked for ten years in the international energy and commodities trading sector, where he’s witnessed first-hand the importance of open, free markets to economic growth, and the paramount need for business goals to be supported by responsible, well-aligned, and unencumbering regulation. He currently helps run a traditional refinery, targeting the sourcing of sustainable feedstocks and delivering low-carbon fuels to customers throughout the world, whilst developing and pushing forward much-needed energy-transition and circular-economy initiatives to drive a greener future.

Before working in industry, Laurence studied Chemical Engineering at the University of Cambridge (having a few Port & Policy debates along the way), and greatly enjoyed supporting a Collegemate’s successful campaign to become a new MP at the recent election.

Commenting on the Fellowship, he said:

‘This Fellowship provides a unique, exciting opportunity to merge the worlds of business and politics, the public and the private, where each can challenge and learn from the other, and hopefully help deliver a more open-minded, critically-thought-through, and inclusive approach to the essential successful collaboration between government and industry.’