
1 - 16 of 129 Search results

When coal power stops, how will Britain’s home fires keep burning? (The Times)

Tony Lodge, author of CPS report “The Great Green Hangover”, writes for The Times newspaper on coal and electricity shortages.

A Marginal Autumn Statement…

CPS Head of Economic Research Daniel Mahoney responds to the Autumn Statement

Autumn Statement 2015 Wishlist

CPS wishlist for tomorrow’s Autumn Statement.

George Osborne should beware – the UK is not out of the woods yet (City A.M.)

CPS Head of Economic Research Daniel Mahoney wrote for City A.M.

Daniel Mahoney on Heathrow vs Gatwick for Share Radio

Daniel Mahoney appeared on Share Radio to discuss the economic case of airport expansion

The Times use Tony Lodge’s green hangover figures

Tony Lodge, author of “The Great Green Hangover”, was credited in Alistair Osborne’s business commentary column in The Times newspaper

Press release: Government must act now to avoid energy crisis next year

Tony Lodge reveals that Britain is on the verge of an energy crisis, with electricity demand set to outstrip dispatchable supply for the first time from early 2016

Daily Mail report on CPS energy pamphlet

Britain could face a major shortage of electricity in the New Year following decades of government mismanagement, a report warns today.

Daniel Mahoney: To narrow the life expectancy gap between rich and poor we must focus on absolute poverty

Daniel Mahoney writes for the International Business Times in response to comments made by former Prime Minister John Major

Andrew Tyrie MP on the EU in The Times

Andrew Tyrie MP wrote to the The Times on Prime Minister David Cameron’s EU renegotiation efforts.

Staggering inefficiency of Local Government scheme (Financial Times)

CPS Research Fellow Michael Johnson, author of ‘The Local Government Pension Scheme: opportunity knocks’, wrote to the Financial Times

WATCH: Charles Moore speech to CPS

Charles Moore gave a speech at the CPS book launch for his second volume “Margaret Thatcher: Everything She Wants”.

Michael Johnson in Daily Mail on town hall pensions

CPS research fellow Michael Johnson was quoted in a Daily Mail story on town hall pensions rising by £1 billion this year

Tim Montgomerie cites CPS figures in The Times

Tim Montgomerie cited CPS research in his column in The Times.

Osborne should not U-turn on tax credits (City A.M.)

Lewis Brown wrote for City A.M. arguing that the Conservatives should not undertake a wholesale row-back on tax credits

Tony Lodge comments on Virgin Rail in The Times

CPS Research Fellow Tony Lodge commented on a story in The Times

1 - 16 of 129 Search results