Press releases

33 - 48 of 196 Search results

Energy price cap costing consumers money and driving inflation, says new report

Although introduced with the best intentions, the Energy Price Cap (EPC) has gone far beyond its intended purpose and is actively harming competition The EPC was originally brought in as a time-limited intervention to protect a specific group of customers from price-gouging The recent energy crisis has meant it now functions not as a price… View Article

Families unfairly penalised by British tax system, says new report

A new report from the Centre for Policy Studies and Conservative Growth Group warns that the British tax system is increasingly unfair towards families Couples with the same overall income can end up paying dramatically different amounts of tax depending on how earnings are divided between them. A couple earning £60,000 with two children will… View Article

Inflation hammering value of cash savings worth more than £2 trillion

Britons like to save – but too many of us are saving in cash, despite the more attractive returns which might be available through investing in shares There is £1.8 trillion of cash in savings accounts – roughly equivalent to the entire market capitalisation of the FTSE 100 – and approximately £300m in National Savings… View Article

Government must accelerate academies programme, warns former adviser

The growth of academies and multi-academy trusts has changed the face of English schools for the better From only 203 in May 2010, academies now make up more than 10,000 of the country’s 22,000 state schools The growth in ‘multi-academy trusts’ (MATs) has allowed leaders to push up quality and standards for children across multiple… View Article

‘Unregulated Regulator’ undermines tech superpower ambition, warns CPS report

The Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers (DMCC) Bill, currently progressing through the House of Commons, would give the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) new, extensive and unchecked powers to reshape digital markets and regulate outcomes across the economy As currently drafted, the Bill undermines parliamentary sovereignty and removes democratic accountability by handing such expansive ‘quasi-legislative’… View Article

CPS responds to Labour’s mortgage plans

Responding to Labour’s plans to ease the mortgage crisis, CPS Research Director Tom Clougherty said: ‘Labour’s plan mostly “requires” lenders to do a variety of things they will already be doing voluntarily, because they understand the pressures their customers are facing and don’t want people to lose their homes unavoidably. ‘But direct intervention of this… View Article

Does Britain care about freedom? New survey reveals sharp, deep political divides

We are all obsessed with which party is getting what share of the vote – both now and at the next UK election – but what are the fundamental values driving British public opinion? In a major new survey Dr Frank Luntz, the world’s leading expert on political language and communication, has worked with the… View Article

CPS responds to net migration figures

Responding to the ONS’ net migration figures, Karl Williams, Deputy Research Director at the Centre for Policy Studies, said: ‘Today’s figures for net migration were lower than expected – but this reflects changes in the Office for National Statistics’ methodology and understanding. Even with these changes, and with the inclusion of refugees from Ukraine and… View Article

Britain needs a fairer system of motoring taxation, says CPS report

Britain is a nation of drivers, with 88% of the miles travelled in 2021 being via car, van, or taxi. But current policy is letting drivers down. Road transport in Britain generates too much congestion and air pollution. Motoring has also been treated as a cash cow, with drivers paying far more through taxation than… View Article

UK right to not engage in semiconductor ‘subsidy war’ says CPS

Responding to the publication of government’s National Semiconductor Strategy, CPS Business Researcher Gerard B. Lyons said: ‘The National Semiconductor Strategy is welcome, after an unnecessarily long period of delays and uncertainty. The Government is right to acknowledge that the UK simply cannot afford to compete in the global subsidy war being played out by other… View Article

CPS responds to Progress in International Reading Literacy Study

Responding to the news that England has come fourth in the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study of 43 countries for reading proficiency, CPS Head of Education, Mark Lehain said: ‘The PIRLS results released today demonstrate once again the power of the literacy reforms pushed in recent years. That reading standards stayed so high despite Covid… View Article

CPS responds to ‘Smarter Regulation’ announcement

Responding to the publication of ‘Smarter Regulation to Grow the Economy’, CPS Research Director Tom Clougherty said: ‘The Government is taking the right approach to reforming the better regulation framework. We should only regulate when there is a compelling case for doing so, when the benefits clearly outweigh the costs, and when we’re sure that… View Article

CPS researcher responds to FCA proposed reforms to listing regime

Centre for Policy Studies Business Researcher, Gerard B Lyons, responds to FCA proposed reforms to listing regime: ‘The FCA should be praised for its proposed reforms to the listing regime, which will undoubtedly improve London’s international competitiveness. Amid intense global competition, the UK cannot afford to take its foot off the pedal but must ensure… View Article

UK should accelerate reform of biofuels mandate to boost green credentials and food security, says new CPS report

Every time a motorist refuels their vehicle, they are paying for the UK’s biofuels mandate, the Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation (RTFO). This is buried in the per litre cost at the pump, so public awareness is low, but 6% of the total fuel bill in fact pays for biofuels blended into petrol and diesel. While… View Article

CPS Head of Education responds to ‘Beyond Ofsted’ inquiry

In response to launch of ‘Beyond Ofsted – An Inquiry into the Future of School Inspection’, Mark Lehain, CPS Head of Education, said: ‘What and how Ofsted inspects is a very important topic for discussion. Being sponsored by a union that has long questioned Ofsted’s legitimacy, it will be really interesting to see what the… View Article

CPS responds to Hewitt Review into integrated care

Responding to the Hewitt Review of integrated care systems, Karl Williams, Senior Researcher at the Centre for Policy Studies, said: ‘The Hewitt Review makes some promising recommendations on integrating healthcare data to drive better outcomes for patients and enhance accountability within the health service. Similarly, its suggestion that ICSs are benchmarked against each other will surely help highlight areas of… View Article

33 - 48 of 196 Search results