Business is the wealth generator of the UK, and small and family businesses are the often neglected heart of the UK economy, with family businesses alone employing nearly four in ten of the UK’s workforce. We propose ways to make the UK an economy all businesses can thrive in.

The Facts About Fugitive Methane
Methane, the main component of natural gas, has a high greenhouse potential, and opponents of shale gas production argue that even if one or two percent of the gas leaks, the advantage of natural gas over coal would be negated.

Not out of the woods yet
With the Spending Review looming, the Government should use the opportunity to implement further supply side reforms and deficit reduction measures to ensure that UK economic growth and labour market performance remain strong.

Corbynomics: A Path to Penury
Corbynomics is based on the false premise that Britain is a free market nirvana. Britain needs much deeper pro-market reforms not a return to nationalisation.

The Enterprise Right to Buy
The Government should extend Right to Buy to commercial tenants. This could increase development and help reduce the deficit.

How to Privatise the High Street
The Government should enhance Business Improvement Districts and support locally-lead regeneration of Britain’s streets.

A First Steps Budget
“For spoilers ahead of the Autumn Statement later this year, you could do worse than to look at anything coming out from the Centre for Policy Studies”

The Workplace ISA and the ISA Pension
Introduce a Workplace ISA and ISA Pensions and reduce the deficit by up to £10 billion per year.

The Case for an Office for Inter-generational Responsibility
Michael Johnson responds to the OBR’s latest annual Fiscal Sustainability report, warning that UK debt is snowballing with frightening momentum – and it is the young who will be hit hardest.

How to cut Inheritance Tax
Make inheritance tax fairer by simplifying the system with a broader base and lower rate, and eliminating many of the existing inefficient tax reliefs.

Who will care for Generation Y?
Michael Johnson warns that Generation Y could be the first generation to experience a quality of life below that of its (baby boomer) parents.

A Suggestion for the Housing and Planning Minister
Keith Boyfield and Daniel Greenberg urge Brandon Lewis to seize the opportunity of a new Government to tackle Britain’s housing shortage.

Some suggestions for the new pensions minister
Pensions analyst Michael Johnson urges new pensions minister Ros Altmann to continue with the bold reforms that her predecessor began.

Unleashing the Sharing Economy
The Government should go further and faster to promote the Sharing Economy.

The Triple Challenge Facing Britain’s Oil and Gas Sector
Britain has the highest operating costs in the World for oil production. Radical reform is needed to stem the tide of rising costs, falling prices and heavy taxation.

Competition can Crush Crony Corporatism
Urgent policy reform is needed to reclaim popular capitalism from crony corporatists.

A Tax on Business is a Tax on Jobs
The level of business taxation is critical because it directly affects investment, employment and ultimately the prosperity of a nation.