Business is the wealth generator of the UK, and small and family businesses are the often neglected heart of the UK economy, with family businesses alone employing nearly four in ten of the UK’s workforce. We propose ways to make the UK an economy all businesses can thrive in.

History Repeating? The lessons of the postwar recovery
History Repeating? The lessons of the postwar recovery

Public Sector Pay: The Case for Restraint
Public sector pay freeze could save up to £23 billion by 2023

The Case Against Raising the Minimum Wage
The generosity of the impulse behind raising and expanding the National Living Wage can only be applauded. But going ahead with the current plans will harm the very people it is designed to help.

After the Virus: A plan for restoring growth
Major new report by Sajid Javid MP and Centre for Policy Studies sets out a vision for economic recovery after the pandemic. Report stresses vital importance of Bank of England independence but argues that the Government and the Bank should consider a shift in its remit from targeting inflation to nominal GDP, in order to better deliver sustained growth.

How Hydrogen Can Fuel A Transport Revolution
The new report from the Centre for Policy Studies, the leading centre-right think tank, argues that the approach to transport decarbonisation must not leave certain vehicles behind, and in doing so forfeit significant future economic opportunities.

Borrowing could hit £300bn as costs of coronavirus rise
New Centre for Policy Studies ‘cost of coronavirus’ counter estimates a total direct and indirect cost to Government this year of £246 billion. This could bring total borrowing this year to approximately £300 billion. This total figure is roughly equivalent to double the UK’s current level of healthcare spending – in other words, enough to fund the NHS twice over

A Rising Tide: Levelling up left-behind Britain
A new Centre for Policy Studies report, launched today by the Communities Secretary, the Rt Hon Robert Jenrick MP, sets out the full extent to which wealth, talent, trade and investment are concentrated in London and the South East – and offers a detailed blueprint to spread prosperity more widely.

Fight for Free Schools
‘Fight for Free Schools’, authored by Suella Braverman MP, urges the Government to double down on the success of the free schools programme by speeding up the expansion of free schools and ensuring that they act as drivers of competition and innovation within the system.

Changing Gear: A Growth Budget to Boost the British Economy
‘Changing Gear: A Growth Budget to Boost the British Economy’, authored by The Rt Hon Priti Patel MP, explains how and why the British economy urgently needs a Budget for Growth to kick start a boost to the British economy.

Britain Beyond Brexit
‘Britain Beyond Brexit’ is a collection of essays by almost 40 leading politicians, edited by George Freeman MP. It unites Conservative MPs from north and south, left and right, Leave and Remain to set out ideas to take Britain forward after Brexit – including contributions from Sajid Javid, Ruth Davidson, Dominic Raab, Penny Mordaunt and Matt Hancock.

A Budget for No Deal
The British Government and the EU insist they do not want a “no-deal” Brexit, yet it remains a possibility. That is why we have set out measures the Chancellor should consider in a no-deal scenario.

All Hands on Deck
Businesses and employers can and should do more to help close Britain’s productivity gap. Guy Opperman MP suggests Britain businesses should follow the example of US firms who found high employee engagement was reflected in at least a 20% boost to productivity and profitability.

Fair Business Banking for All
Small and medium businesses are the lifeblood of the British economy but many fail to scale up because they are reluctant to take on the borrowing they need due to a lack of trust in big banks.

Mission Accomplished?
Robert Colvile and Daniel Mahoney warn Philip Hammond not let recent economic figures tempt him into ending austerity, the Chancellor has no room for complacency.

The Cost of Nationalisation
Labour’s nationalisation agenda could cost the government £176bn, or £6,500 for every household, concludes research by the Centre for Policy Studies.

A New Era for Retail Bonds
Rishi Sunak MP calls for the Government to back the creation of a new exchange for SME bonds aimed at everyday savers.