Media Coverage

1201 - 1216 of 1210 Search results

Tim Knox in the Yorkshire post

Tim Knox in the Yorkshire Post on why Cameron can’t change course on the deficit

What would lower earners prefer – lower taxes or cheaper energy? (Conservative Home)

Paul Goodman of Conservative Home commented on Tony Lodge’s lead Editor’s letter in The Telegraph on Thursday 21st February 2013.

Studies show turbines’ inefficiencies (Lutterworth Mail)

The CPS’ 2008 report ‘Wind Chill’ was cited in a recent letter to the Lutterworth Mail expressing concern about wind farms.

NEW REPORT: Self-sufficiency is the key

The Centre for Policy Studies has brought out a report by leading pensions expert, Michael Johnson entitled Self-sufficiency is the key: addressing the public sector pensions challenge


The Centre for Policy Studies seeks a new Director.

Cut harder, we can’t go on as debt junkies – Jon Moulton in today’s Times

Jon Moulton argues in the Times today that Reducing the State quickly is less risky than our current policy of avoiding too much pain

Cut harder – we can’t go on as debt junkies (The Times)

Reducing the State quickly is less risky than our current policy of avoiding too much pain, writes CPS Board Member Jon Moulton on his new report “Pain Aversion”.

Centre for Policy Studies succession

Lord Saatchi, Chairman of the Centre for Policy Studies (CPS) announces: 1. Jill Kirby is standing down as Director of the CPS as from 1 February 2010, after three very successful years in this role.

Jill Kirby discusses Maternity Rights in the Times

More maternity rights are bad for mothers argues Jill Kirby in the Times.

New report: Feminist myths and magic medicine

In this report, Dr Hakim shows that:equal opportunity policies, in regards to women’s access to the labour market in the UK, have been successful

1201 - 1216 of 1210 Search results