
97 - 112 of 171 Search results

How to reform Britain’s rail system and see customer satisfaction soar (City A.M)

HIGH fares, overcrowded trains, a franchise process in disarray. Now 20 years after privatisation, the then transport secretary John MacGregor’s ambitions to deliver greater competition, efficiency, and a better service by creating new opportunities for the private sector seem to have been betrayed says Tim Knox.

Bid competitions are only a Start; Now open up on-rail access

Why new rail franchises must not become ‘railopolies’.

Still Neither Just Nor Secure

Today Andrew Tyrie MP and Anthony Peto QC have published their follow-up paper on the Justice and Security Bill for the Centre for Policy Studies. It makes for harrowing reading.

VIDEO: Rail’s Second Chance

New evidence proves that competition on the passenger rail network benefits passengers and taxpayers; now is the time to deliver true competition writes Tony Lodge

Professor William Letwin: An obituary by Lord Lexden

Lord Lexden’s tribute to former CPS Board Member William Letwin.

Look east: there is a way to cheaper rail fares (The Times)

Competition has been rare in recent decades. But where it happens, it’s good for passengers writes Tony Lodge CPS research fellow.

Think-tank slams lack of competition on railways (The Independent)

‘Railopolies’ come under fire as ambitions for privatisation are seen as abandoned writes Mark Leftly.

Train delays offer chance for rivals to jump queue (The Times)

Robert Lea highlights findings of Tony Lodge’s Rail’s Second Chance report.

20 years on rail privatisation has a bad name – competition can save it? (Politics Home)

A new report from the Centre for Policy Studies sets out how rail privatisation can work better than it has thus far in terms of rising government subsidy and large fare increases. Lewis James Brown of the CPS .

Labour tax plan ‘damaging’ to UK funds (Financial Times)

CPS Head of Economic Research Adam Memon was quoted in a Financial Times article on Labour’s tax plans.

The 2013 Budget: Six facts and a question to bear in mind

George Osborne promised to eliminate the structural current deficit within five years; and get net debt falling by the end of the Parliament. His plan was, however, reliant on unrealistic assumptions about a return to economic strength and healthy tax revenues, which have duly underperformed expectations.

CPS Budget Reaction: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

Budget reaction from four CPS contributors.

Five star review for The Age of Global Warming

CPS Research Fellow Rupert Darwall’s book ‘The Age of Global Warming’ ahs received a five-star review from David Rose in the Mail On Sunday.

This bailout of Cyprus is immoral – and dangerous (The Times)

There could not be a clearer signal to savers: move your money out now writes CPS Director Tim Knox.

Lt. Col. Allen West pays tribute to Lady Thatcher at CPAC 2013.

former Congressman Lt. Col. Allen West paid tribute to the leadership of Margaret Thatcher, contrasting it with current US President Barack Obama.

VIDEO: Tim Knox on the Mansion Tax

CPS Director Tim Knox explains to The Daily Telegraph why a mansion tax would be impractical, unfair and “the wrong tax for the wrong reason”.

97 - 112 of 171 Search results