Press releases

17 - 32 of 199 Search results

CPS Director responds to new CPRE research on rural housing

Responding to new analysis of the rural housing crisis from CPRE, Robert Colvile, CPS Director, said: ‘It is welcome that the CPRE has finally noticed that there is a housing crisis in the British countryside. However, the CPRE has done as much as any organisation to create that crisis, by resolutely opposing any and all… View Article

Stamp duty on shares is ‘a tax on growth’, new CPS modelling shows

First full analysis since financial crisis shows scrapping stamp duty on shares would result in significant uplift to pensions, savings and investment, at little or no overall cost to the taxpayer Abolition of the tax would increase long-run GDP by 0.2% – 0.7%, increase business investment by FTSE firms by between £2.8bn and £6.8bn, and… View Article

Pressures from record migration ‘show no sign of abating’

Home Office migration data published today and covering the whole of 2023 shows that pressures from unprecedented levels of immigration are not abating.  Overall, the number of (non-visitor, non-temporary) visas issued rose only marginally (by 1%) in 2023 compared to 2022 – to a new record of 1.36 million visas. However, the underlying trend is… View Article

New population figures highlight cavernous housing deficit

Revised population projections released today by the Office for National Statistics show the population of the UK growing by 6.6 million people from 2021 to 2036. Net migration accounts for 6.1 million, or 92%, of this increase  Across this 15 year period, net migration is projected to average 405,000 per annum – falling from current… View Article

Dr Gerard Lyons joins CPS as Research Fellow

The Centre for Policy Studies is delighted to announce that respected economist Dr Gerard Lyons has joined the organisation as a Research Fellow. This follows the appointment late last year of Lord Frost and Alex Morton, alongside existing Research Fellows including former special adviser Nick King and transport expert Tony Lodge. Dr Lyons will be… View Article

Fund private school places for looked-after children, urges leading Tory

The education reform agenda has been built on choice. But those at the bottom of the economic pyramid often have the least control over their educational experience A new report by Andrew Lewer MP identifies three groups who would benefit most from changing this: ‘looked-after children’, those from poorer backgrounds, and children in ‘inadequate’ schools It makes… View Article

CPS responds to government migration announcement

Responding to the government’s proposed immigration reforms announced today, Karl Williams, CPS Research Director, said: ‘As analysis in our recent ‘Net Migration and Housing’ briefing shows, record levels of net migration are exacerbating England’s already severe housing and rental crisis. We therefore welcome the Government’s five-point plan to reduce net migration to more sustainable levels…. View Article

Niall Ferguson: Conservative politicians ‘repeating the mistakes of the past’

Recent Conservative governments have unwittingly repeated the mistakes that condemned Britain to an era of inflation and stagnation, warns leading historian Niall Ferguson. Prof Ferguson will reflect this evening on the lessons for Britain from the 1970s, as he delivers the 2023 Keith Joseph Memorial Lecture to the Centre for Policy Studies. The lecture, which… View Article

Migration fueling ‘cavernous’ housing deficit, says CPS

Revised net migration figures released last week by the Office for National Statistics show the UK had a record level of net migration in 2022 – 745,000 The new net migration figure is equivalent to 1.1% of the UK population Combined with net migration of 467,000 in 2021, migration has increased the UK population by… View Article

UK net migration figures ‘shocking but unsurprising’, says CPS

Responding to the latest migration data from the Official for National Statistics, Karl Williams, Deputy Research Director, said: ‘The scale of net migration in 2022 makes for shocking but unsurprising reading. Today’s revised total of 745k eclipses the provisional record high figure we were given earlier this year, as CPS analysis predicted.  ‘We can now… View Article

CPS welcomes permanent full expensing

The Centre for Policy Studies is delighted to welcome the Chancellor’s decision to make full expensing permanent.  The CPS has been leading the calls for full expensing for many years. It is a vital step in counteracting Britain’s chronically low rate of capital investment, which was 20% lower than the OECD average in the decade… View Article

Centre for Policy Studies launches 50th anniversary programme

Lord Frost to lead major policy project on mapping the UK’s problems and how to deal with them Alex Morton returns as a Research Fellow focusing on the relationship between Britain’s institutions, the state and the market Prof Niall Ferguson delivers Keith Joseph Memorial Lecture Programme of reports and events to run through 2024  … View Article

Treasury needs to make full expensing permanent, urges CPS

The Chancellor should make full expensing permanent at the forthcoming Autumn Statement. Doing so would raise long-run investment, and increase real wages and economic growth Permanent full expensing is a vital step in counteracting Britain’s chronically low rate of capital investment, which was 20% lower than the OECD average in the decade before the pandemic… View Article

Future of Britain depends on closing the generation gap, warns CPS

The gap between young and old has become the defining political and economic issue of our time, argues a new essay collection from the Centre for Policy Studies ‘Justice for the Young’ sets out the staggering extent of the challenge facing the country in paying for an ageing population while delivering a better life for… View Article

CPS responds to the King’s Speech

Responding to the King’s Speech, Robert Colvile, Centre for Policy Studies Director, said: ‘It was welcome to see the Government adopting many of the policies recommended by the Centre for Policy Studies – tackling low-quality degrees, introducing minimum service requirements during strikes, supporting domestic energy production, confirming Britain’s membership of the CPTPP trading pact and… View Article

Corporation tax increases hammer UK tax competitiveness

The UK ranks 30th out of 38 OECD countries in the 2023 edition of the International Tax Competitiveness Index, published annually by the US-based Tax Foundation. This is down three places from 2022. The UK ranks second for its cross-border tax rules, but comes 26th for individual taxes, 28th for corporate tax, and 35th for… View Article

17 - 32 of 199 Search results