Media Coverage

81 - 96 of 1210 Search results

Why anaemic Britain needs an investment shot in the arm

Tom Clougherty, CPS Research Director, told the Daily Telegraph that government should be “as aggressive and bold…within the fiscal constraints that exist” in this week’s Budget. Tom highlighted findings from our recent report ‘Does Britain mean Business?’ which warned Britain would become a significantly worse place to do business when corporation tax rises and the… View Article

Boosting Business

The Times has endorsed the findings of recent CPS report ‘Does Britain mean Business?’ in its leader column on Saturday 11 March. The article highlights our recommendation that, if the corporation tax rate rise cannot be cancelled, the Chancellor should introduce full-expensing to mitigate the cost of corporation tax rises and the end of the… View Article

‘Businesses hurt’ by Hunt tax hikes

The Sun reports on latest CPS research urging the Chancellor to act before planned tax rises make Britain less competitive. ‘Does Britain mean Business?’ proposes that next week’s Budget include full expensing, with CPS Director and report co-author Robert Colvile saying “We believe increasing corporation tax is a big mistake. But introducing full expensing as… View Article

Jeremy Hunt’s corporation tax hike ‘would make Britain a far worse place to do business’, top think tank warns

New CPS report ‘Does Britain mean Business?’ urging the Chancellor to consider full expensing to soften the blow of planned corporation tax cuts has featured on page 2 of today’s Daily Mail. The report found raising the corporation tax rate could cause the UK’s GDP to be 1.2% lower than if the rate remained at… View Article

Think tank calls for new investment tax incentives

 “If ministers cannot afford to cancel the planned corporation tax rise, they should at the very least soften the blow.” The latest report from the Centre for Policy Studies – ‘Does Britain mean Business?’ – is featured in today’s Times, focusing on calls for the Chancellor to introduce full expensing in next week’s Budget. As… View Article

Tories “running out of time” to deliver a “distinctively Conservative agenda on tax”

CPS Research Director and Head of Tax Tom Clougherty is quoted by the Daily Telegraph in an article in the run up to next week’s Budget. According to the paper, the Conservative government have delivered several policies proposed by Jeremy Corbyn in Labour’s 2019 manifesto. Tom Clougherty told the Telegraph “It is shocking to think… View Article

‘Help to Buy has been a disaster for the property market’

CPS Head of Housing Samuel Hughes is quoted in the Telegraph responding to calls by some housebuilders for a new version of the government’s Help to Buy scheme. Samuel Hughes told the newspaper “Although it does help [first time buyers] a bit to get on to the first rung of the housing ladder, the second… View Article

Rishi Sunak launches review of sex education in schools

The CPS Head of Education welcomed news that the Department for Education will bring forward a review into relationships and sex education (RSE). Mark Lehain told the Daily Telegraph “It’s vital the review focuses on what an age-appropriate ‘ceiling’ looks like, and how parents are listened to.” Read the full Telegraph article here. Mark’s comments… View Article

Labour backs 25 per cent corporation tax rate amid calls to scrap rise ahead of budget

CPS Research Director and Head of Tax, Tom Clougherty, spoke to City AM about Labour’s review of the UK tax regime. He said more generous investment allowances would be “interesting” after Labour already said it would scrap business rates. “Both could be excellent moves if the policies are designed and implemented effectively,” he told City A.M. “Businesses… View Article

Sunak clears the decks for his small boats Bill, so raising the stakes for his future. And for border control.

Following publication of CPS analysis of the productivity of the asylum system, Paul Goodman writes for ConHome about how to deal with the backlog of cases and what the Prime Minister plans to do about it. ‘The Centre for Policy Studies compares what the Prime Minister is trying to do to running up a down escalator.’… View Article

Tax raid is ‘drastically anti-investment’, warns BT

The Telegraph sites CPS data on the impact of raising corporation tax on GDP. ‘Recent work by the Centre for Policy Studies (CPS) and Tax Foundation think tanks suggest raising corporation tax will reduce GDP by 1.2pc, investment by 2pc, and wages by 1.1pc over five to ten years unless this is offset with big… View Article

The UK can’t afford to sit on the sidelines as the US, EU and China carve up the future of growth

Telegraph columnist Juliet Samuel has referenced the latest CPS report, ‘Cashing in our Chips: How to strengthen the UK’s semiconductor industry”, in her most recent article. Samuel proposes that Britain needs to refresh its understanding of industrial strategy, moving past the “ghosts of the 1970s, when vast caches of decaying, uncompetitive state capacity were kept… View Article

When will the treasury change direction over tax?

CPS Research Director and Head of Tax, Tom Clougherty spoke to the Daily Mail about the UK’s Tax competitiveness. Clougherty called news that AstraZeneca had pulled out of plans to build a new multi-million pound facility in the UK, ‘a perfect example of how tax rises can be counterproductive, by driving away business and investment’…. View Article

In the scramble for chips, Britain needs to come out on top

CPS Business Researcher Gerard B. Lyons and Zachary Spiro, co-authors of the latest CPS paper ‘Cashing in our Chips: How to strengthen the UK’s semiconductor sector”, have written about their recommendations for City A.M. In the piece they argue for a targeted approach, building on the UK sector’s existing strengths, and that “it would be… View Article

If the UK is going to host the inventors of the future, they’ll need somewhere to do it

Zachary Spiro, co-author of latest CPS report “Cashing in our Chips: How to strengthen the UK’s semiconductor industry”, has written about the planning system and its impact of R&D. Writing for CapX, Spiro notes that despite the government’s wish to host the next Silicon Valley in the UK, the country’s scientists lack the research and… View Article

New housing minister Rachel Maclean will be 15th since 2010

CPS Head of Housing responds to the news that the UK will have it’s 15th Housing Minister since 2010. In a quote picked up by the BBC, Samuel Hughes said the change – brought about as a result of the Prime Minister’s recent reshuffle and the creation of new government departments – said “We have… View Article

81 - 96 of 1210 Search results