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Common Ground Conservatism

How can the Conservative Party recover from electoral catastrophe? Following an extensive programme of quantitative and qualitative research led by James Frayne, the CPS argues that the party needs to return to the ‘common ground’ first identified by Margaret Thatcher and Keith Joseph in the 1970s.

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785 - 800 of 853 Research articles

Owners All

Philip Chappell - General

Few human aspirations are stronger than that of ownership. Nor will it be denied that ownership can confer independence and dignity.

New Light on Star Wars

R.V Jones - General

Serious discussion about the strategic defence initiative in space began in the United States in the late 1960s.

Nationalised Industries

Trevor Morse - General

This study was prepared for the Nationalised Industries Study Group of the Centre for Policy studies by Trevor Morse.

Monetarism Morality

Brian Griffiths - General

It is a very great privilege to be invited to give this lecture in memory of Patrick Hutber.

Greening the Tories

Andrew Sullivan - General

This study springs from what has been fashionably regarded as a Neurosis. Let me label this ‘neurosis’ as the nervous, defensive, even backward looking search for a new Englishness. It has a suitably journalistic and sociological ring about it.

Gentrification or Growth

Sir James Goldsmith - Economy

Traditionally there have been two main systems which can lead to prosperity and vigorous civilisation. One is based on imperial conquest. That is the Roman way and the way proposed by the Soviet Russia.

Comments on ‘The City of London Draft Local Plan’

CPS - General

The local government Working Party of the Centre for Policy Studies is currently undertaking a review of the planning system, and to that end is examining several plans of which the City of London Draft local Plan is one.  

Bringing Accountability back to Local Government

Cyril Taylor GLC - General

Central government at present funds just under 49% of the costs of local government in England through block grants, specific and supplementary grants and domestic rate relief.

Which Direction? Board Appointments in Nationalised Industries

CPS - General

Inadequate salaries and continued governmental intervention in the running of nationalised industries have actively discouraged able men from accepting senior management responsibility in the nationalised industries. The temptation to blame defective management and disruptive workforces for all the ills of nationalisation frequently disguises the fact that governments are at least equally responsible for the plight of ailing state industries.

Wages Need No Councils

Russell Lewis - General

A government that has set its face against incomes policies in any form has left untouched in striking anomaly; the wages councils. These still regulate, though not with excessive zeal. The wages of nearly three million workers: about one worker in every eight.

The New Corruption

Charles Goodson-Wickes - General

This report analyses some of the disturbing trends which have emerged recently in Local Government, which have serious implications for democracy in Britain. Indeed, the combination of these trends may be so sinister as to warrant the description, “The New Corruption”.

Property and Poverty: and agenda for the mid-80s

Ferdinand Mount - General

Let us start with a little vignette. The scene is the Cabinet Room. The date is 18 October 1945. The new Labour government is less than three months old. And the Cabinet is meeting to hear Mr Bevan;s proposals to take the hospitals into public ownership. Nothing so odd about that, you might say. We all knew that Labour nationalised health.

Making it Work: The future of the European Community

CPS - General

The purpose of this Paper is to try to establish what kind of European Community Britain should be working to bring about in the next 20 years or so. It seeks to provide an answer to two broad questions: what realistically can Britain and her Partners hope to achieve in the longer term though membership of the Community; and what changes or developments and needed in the Community for those hopes to be realised?

Essential Services – Whose Rights?

- General

The right of employees to withdraw their labour in an organised fashion was achieved slowly and, it must be admitted, sometimes painfully during the nineteenth century and in the first years of this century. The background was one in which employees individually worked at a great economic disadvantage vis-à-vis the employer, and one in which some employers were willing to exploit their advantage.

Education Race and Revolution

Anthony Flew - General

The Commission for Racial Equality, as it likes to tell us in its advertisements, “was set up by the Race Relations Act 1776 whit he duties of working towards the elimination of discrimination and promoting equality of opportunity and good relations between different racial groups generally.” These are indeed admirable objectives, which no person of goodwill could fail to share. Certainly racism is an outrage; if but only if, that is, the word “racism” is, as it should be, constructed as meaning the advantaging or disadvantaging of individuals for no other or better reason than that they happen to be members of this racial group rather than that.

Criminal Waste

CPS - General

In this study we have tried to achieve a blending of research, represented in our group by John Croft CBE, formerly Head of Research at the Home Office; the political knowledge of John Wheeler JP, MP, who was formerly a member of the prisons service, and is mainly responsible for this paper; the practical experience of barristers who also sit in the criminal courts on occasion as recorders; as well as the experience of two magistrates.

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785 - 800 of 853 Research articles