Media Coverage

897 - 912 of 1210 Search results

RBS privatisation is the “light at the end of the tunnel” (City AM)

Head of Economic Research Ryan Bourne was quoted in City AM on Thursday 28th February 2013.

EU cap on bankers’ bonuses puts a vital British industry under attack (City AM)

CPS Director Tim Knox writes in City AM on Friday 1st March 2013.

The Bank of England panics and misses the point (The Spectator)

Ewan Stewart, author of the Centre for Policy Studies report, ‘Masking the Symptoms: why QE and huge deficits are not the cure’, writes in The Spectator on Wednesday 27th February 2013.

Negative interest rates are the last thing the economy needs (City AM)

Ewan Stewart’s report, ‘Masking the Symptoms: why QE and huge deficits are not the answer’, published by the Centre for Policy Studies in February 2013, was cited in City AM Editor Allister Heath’s column on Wednesday 27th February 2013.

Misguided calls for further stimulus misunderstand Britain’s downgrade (City AM)

Head of Economic Research Ryan Bourne writes for City AM on Tuesday 26th February 2013, discussing Moody’s decision to downgrade Britain’s credit rating.

Michael Fallon CPS speech in the media

On Monday 25th February, Minister of State for Business and Enterprise Michael Fallon MP conducted a speech for the Centre for Policy Studies entitled, ‘Deregulating for Growth.’ Below is the media coverage of the speech.

Moody’s downgrade will stiffen George Osborne’s resolve (The Sunday Telegraph)

CPS Director Tim Knox was quoted in Business Editor Kamal Ahmed’s column in The Sunday Telegraph on Sunday 24th February 2013.

Anthony Peto: Why Robert Buckland is wrong about the Justice and Security Bill (Conservative Home)

Anthony Peto QC, co-author with Andrew Tyrie MP of the report, ‘Neither Just nor Secure’, published by the Centre for Policy Studies in January 2013, writes in Conservative Home on Monday 25th February 2013.

Painful adjustments will prove worthwhile (The Financial Times)

Head of Economic Research Ryan Bourne and CPS Director Tim Knox write in The Financial Times on Thursday 21st February, in response to Lord Robert Sidelsky and Professor Marcus Miller’s article, ‘Supply Matters – but so does demand’.

Are pensions ‘finished’? Yes, because ISAs are better (CityWire)

CPS Research Fellow Michael Johnson was interviewed on the current state of pensions in CityWire on Friday 22nd February 2013.

David Cameron should defy European directives and keep our coal-fired power stations running (The Telegraph)

CPS Research Fellow Tony Lodge writes the lead letter in The Telegraph on Thursday 21st February 2013.

Justice and Security Bill will hide Britain’s role in kidnap and torture (The Times)

CPS author Andrew Tyrie MP writes in The Times on Thursday 21st February 2013 in response to an open letter by Minister without Portfolio Kenneth Clarke, concerning the Centre for Policy Studies report, ‘Neither Just nor Secure’ by Andrew Tyrie and Anthony Peto QC.

With no new nuclear until 2020, UK on collision course with gas import dependency (Power Engineering)

CPS Director Tim Knox was quoted in Power Engineering on Tuesday 19th February 2013, discussing the energy crisis affecting the UK.

UK faces a “rollercoaster” energy market says Ofgem (Energy Global)

CPS Director Tim Knox was quoted in Energy Global on Wednesday 20th February 2013, discussing the energy crisis affecting the UK.

Supply matters – but so does demand (The Financial Times)

CPS Director Tim Knox and Head of Economic Research Ryan Bourne were cited in The Financial Times on Wednesday 20th February 2013, discussing the Government’s deficit reduction strategy.

The 10p rate is pure politics – let’s raise people out of income tax altogether (City AM)

Head of Economic Research Ryan Bourne on the disadvantages of reintroducing the 10p income tax rate, writing for City AM on Tuesday 19th February 2013.

897 - 912 of 1210 Search results