Is she crazy or just saying the unsayable truth?
The Sunday Times
Those who try to combine high-powered jobs with having children really only end up with ‘nominal families’ with whom they spend little time.
Its conclusions are zinging through the right-wing press
The Guardian
In this internationally high profile report, leading academic Dr Catherine Hakim shows that:
- equal opportunity policies, in regards to women’s access to the labour market in the UK, have been successful;
- calls for further equality initiatives (as in the recent Coalition document, The Equalities Strategy), are based on the outdated and wrong assumption that equality of outcomes is either desirable or feasible;
- the latest academic research proves that many men and women have different career aspirations, priorities and life goals. Policy makers should therefore not expect the same job outcomes;
- calls for further employment legislation targeted at women (eg for quotas on boards of FTSE-100 companies) should be resisted.
The full text of the report can be downloaded below.
Media impact:
This report has been covered by:
- The Daily Mail: ‘Of course women can have it all – they just don’t want it, says a leading academic’
- The Sunday Times: ‘Feminism? That’s rich!’
- Thisismoney: ‘Women have equality, but still can’t have it all’
- The Guardian: ‘The battle for equal opportunities still needs fighting’
- Conservative Home: ‘The Conservative Party should ignore discredited feminist myths and wake up to the fact that the gender war is over’
- The Sunday Times: ‘The pay war is over’
- Marie Claire: ‘Leading female academic: ‘Women can’t have it all’
- The Christian Institute: ‘Study: Mothers having top jobs is a ‘feminist myth’’
- French Tribune: ‘Can career women be good mothers?’
- The Daily Telegraph: ‘Five feminist ‘myths’ from the gender equality debate’
- The Daily Telegraph: ‘What women really want: to marry a rich man’
- The Daily Telegraph: ‘Women still happy to let men bring in the cash’
- The Daily Mail: ‘Women ‘want rich husbands, not careers’’
- The Daily Mail: ‘Equality drive harms women’s chances in the workplace, study finds’
- The Sun: ‘The Sex War Over’
- Marie Claire: ‘Gender equality myth: Do women want rich husbands more than a career?’
- New Statesman blog: ‘The myth of the “myth” of gender equality’
- Thisismoney: ‘2.2m mothers are working full time to keep families’
- The Daily Mail: ‘I wish I could be a gold digger’
- WM Magazine: ‘Women have different priorities than men, says report’
- The Mail on Sunday: ‘What women REALLY want: To marry a rich man and stay at home with the children’
- The Australian: ‘What women really want’
- The Sydney Morning Herald: ‘For love or money?’
- Equality South West: Female sociologist claims gender pay gap ‘down to women’
Dr Catherine Hakim has also been widely interviewed:
- On the Today programme, in a debate against Sarah Jackson, CEO of Working Families
- By CNN for their Quest Means Business programme
- BBC Radio Ulster
- BBC Radio 5 Live
- BBC Radio Scotland
- For a variety of BBC regional radio stations
- And also, internationally, for Irish, Japanese, Spanish, Croatian, Australian and Colombian Radio