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Common Ground Conservatism

How can the Conservative Party recover from electoral catastrophe? Following an extensive programme of quantitative and qualitative research led by James Frayne, the CPS argues that the party needs to return to the ‘common ground’ first identified by Margaret Thatcher and Keith Joseph in the 1970s.

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849 - 852 of 852 Research articles

Monetarism is not Enough

Rt Hon Sir Keith Joseph Bt MP - Economy

It is now widely realised that many of our present economic ills stem from a cardinal error, the belief that inflation and unemployment presented a choice of evils. We have learned to our cost that inflationary measures designed in good faith to abate unemployment have eventually intensified it, leaving us with the worst of both worlds.

Germany through inflation and Recession: An object lesion in economic management 1973-1976

Konrad Zweig - Foreign Policy

This study investigates in some detail how the Bundesrepublik dealt with the effects on its economy of the world recession in the mid-1970s when unemployment reached over one million, without falling back on large scale interventionism, nationalisation and controls of prices, wages, profits and investments; so far the principles of the social market economy remain intact, through undergoing evolutionary adaptations to new conditions.

Why Britain Needs A Social Market Economy

CPS - General

Since the war, rising prosperity and increased leisure have enabled the mass of the British people to enjoy their individual freedoms on a scale never previously realised. Bit it is a paradox that, just when personal liberty is beginning to characterise the life-style of a whole generation, that generation has produced so many articulate members who have failed to perceive that their life-style depends crucially on a socio-economic system which they claim to abhor. There is a need to demonstrate to these people that freedom is indivisible, and to explain to them the underlying contradiction between extreme egalitarianism and freedom; the role of prices, profits and competition in creating wealth; and the intimate link between personal liberty and the diffusion of economic power.

The Ancient Mariner and the Old Sailor: Delights and uses of the English Language Peter Vansittart

Peter Vansittart - Public Services

This is the first of the pilot papers which the Centre for Policy Studies intends to publish. Their purpose is to prepare the path for comprehensive studies on various topics of the day; in this instance, on the teaching of English in schools.

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849 - 852 of 852 Research articles