Support grows for an NHS Royal Commission

Many of this morning’s newspapers led with coverage of the latest Centre for Policy Studies report, calling for a Royal Commission on the future of the NHS.

In the face of thousands of appointment cancellations, the NHS is struggling and its future looks uncertain. A Royal Commission on the NHS – The Remit, by Maurice Saatchi and Dominic Nutt, sets out how a cross-party body could investigate and examine the current NHS – infrastructure, funding, and set-up – and set out a range of fully costed options for how the service could operate for the next several decades.

The Telegraph’s front page article highlighted the potential cost savings of an NHS overhaul, quting the report’s figures that “efficiencies are estimated to be worth a further 3 per cent of GDP”.

Camilla Cavendish suggests in a piece for the Sunday Times that a royal commission might be the best option as “a grown-up conversation about healthcare needs a long run-up”.


Date Added: Monday 8th January 2018