Early general election called - CPS response

The Centre for Policy Studies issued the following statement following the Prime Minister’s annoucement of an early General Election.

Following the Prime Minister’s announcement she intends to hold a general election on 8 June 2017, the Centre for Policy Studies is calling on all parties to include in their manifestos radical policies, aimed at supporting ordinary working families, which can boost the UK’s competitiveness post-Brexit.

  1. Lower and combine NI and income tax rates, funded by replacing all pensions’ income tax relief with a 25% bonus, paid irrespective of tax-paying status.
  2. Increase house building by simplifying the planning system, developing further the positive steps set out in the Housing White paper published in February.
  3. Pursue diversity and choice in the UK’s education system, including the introduction of more new free schools, University Technical Colleges and grammar schools
  4. Abolish the Carbon Price Floor to ensure households and businesses enjoy lower competitive electricity prices.
  5. Establish a Royal Commission on the long-term future on the NHS to relieve the unfairness of outcomes in the UK’s health service.


Date Added: Tuesday 18th April 2017