The Centre for Policy Studies Economic Bulletin on UK ports under threat from EU regulation, due for release at noon on 4th March 2016, was reported on by City A.M.
“The UK’s thriving ports could be threatened by new EU regulations to be debated next week.
The Ports Services Regulation will end the UK ports industry’s long-standing independence that has encouraged competitiveness and investment, a think tank has warned.
The Centre for Policy Studies (CPS) said 75 per cent of the UK’s largest ports are privatised, with 65 per cent of all ports in private hands. It compares with the EU where 80 per cent of ports are operated by state or local authorities. This includes Antwerp and Rotterdam, two of Europe’s biggest ports. European ports also often receive taxpayer subsidies.”
To read the full article, visit the City A.M. website.
Date Added: Friday 4th March 2016