Tony Lodge: Pulling plug on Brussels will do UK a power of good (Yorkshire Post)

CPS research fellow Tony Lodge wrote for the Yorkshire Post on why the UK leaving the European Union could be a positive for UK energy policy, Tuesday 19 April 2016. 

“NEWS that Britain looks set to have a glut of electricity in the summer but a shortfall in the winter goes to the heart of one of the most important questions facing the country. How can a nation once famous for its unique and abundant energy resources be facing such a policy failure? What has gone wrong and why?

The pressures facing the steel industry in recent months have exposed the tip of a bigger iceberg which has been threatening British manufacturing for years. Ministers have stood wringing their hands blaming others but the reality is that Britain’s slow motion energy crisis can be traced directly to Brussels and Whitehall’s slavish adoption of European Union diktat.”

To read the full article, visit the Yorkshire Post website.

Date Added: Tuesday 19th April 2016