CPS analysis shows Londoners pay more in taxes than they receive in benefits (Evening Standard)

The Evening Standard quotes CPS Head of Economic Research Adam Memon on the report that Londoners pay more in tax than they receive in state benefits.

To read the full article, visit the Evening Standard website.

“The startling analysis, based on official figures, also shows that London households pay more in tax overall than those in any other UK region.

The Centre for Policy Studies think tank, behind the research, today called on Chancellor George Osborne to ease the tax burden on hard-up Londoners.

Spokesman Adam Memon said: “London households pay higher taxes on average than any other part of the country. This means that any strategy to tackle the cost of living will be incomplete without measures to reduce the tax burden on London families who already facing the brunt of high housing, travel and childcare costs.””

To read the full article, visit the Evening Standard website. 

Date Added: Wednesday 1st July 2015