Michael Fallon CPS speech in the media

On Monday 25th February, Minister of State for Business and Enterprise Michael Fallon MP conducted a speech for the Centre for Policy Studies entitled, ‘Deregulating for Growth.’ Below is the media coverage of the speech.

Michael Fallon: ‘No more gold-plating of EU laws’ (The Daily Telegraph)

“In a speech at the Centre for Policy Studies on Monday night, Michael Fallon said he would keep the pressure on Whitehall so that all EU laws are introduced in Britain in “the least injurious way”.

The former company director said Civil Service departments will be required to do the bare minimum to comply with each European directive, rather than see it as an opportunity to add extra rules and burdens onto the statute book.

“I intend to block any new legislative proposals that gold-plate legislation unless it can be proved that adding more would actually benefit business,” he said.”

To view the full article, please visit The Telegraph website

Fresh crackdown on ‘gold-plating’ EU directives in bid to free business from Brussells red tape (The Daily Mail)

“A fresh crackdown on ‘gold-plating’ EU directives in a bid to free business from Brussels-inspired red tape will be launched tomorrow.

Business and Enterprise Minister Michael Fallon will announce plans to audit all EU directives issued over the past 15 years, with the aim of stripping out unnecessary regulations.”

To view the full article, please visit The Daily Mail website

Regulators told to put growth before red tape (City AM)

“Fallon will claim that since July 2011 there have been 88 new EU laws entered onto the UK statute book but only one attempt by a government department to shoehorn in additional red tape that would have damaged businesses.

“These reforms are not about relaxing standards. They are about changing the culture so that businesses are seen as part of the solution and enterprise is rewarded,” Fallon will tell the Centre for Policy Studies think tank.”

To read the full article, please visit the City AM website

Michael Fallon launches Thatcherite attack on Labour’s failed approach to regulation of banks and the NHS (Conservative Home)

“In an address to the Centre for Policy Studies tonight the Business Minister Michael Fallon MP will launch a strong attack on the regulatory culture that grew up during Labour’s years. He will attack Labour and the European Union for imposing social and environmental costs on business – via regulation – that it was too frit to pay for itself, via taxation. He will say that regulation must become a last resort because it distracts businesses from their first task of creating wealth and jobs and forces them to devote scarce time and resources to compliance. Worst of all, he’ll argue, the compliance and regulatory regimes have often completely failed to achieve what they set out to achieve and he’ll focus on banking and NHS regulation to substantiate his argument.”

To view the full article, please visit the Conservative Home website

Fallon: No more ‘gold plating’ of EU laws (Fresh Business Thinking)

“Business Minister Michael Fallon will today (Monday) announce that tough new rules imposed across Whitehall have stopped government departments adding to UK business costs by ‘gold plating’ EU legislation with additional regulations.

In the past, Whitehall departments added additional burdens to EU laws – including rules on energy efficient buildings, and health and safety at work – which imposed extra costs and restrictions on business.”

To view the full article, please visit the Fresh Business Thinking website

Date Added: Tuesday 26th February 2013