CPS author Andrew Tyrie MP writes in The Times on Thursday 21st February 2013 in response to an open letter by Minister without Portfolio Kenneth Clarke, concerning the Centre for Policy Studies report, ‘Neither Just nor Secure‘ by Andrew Tyrie MP and Anthony Peto QC.
To view the full article, please visit The Times website (£)
“The shortcomings of the new Bill will have perverse consequences. Here is what’s wrong with Ken Clarke’s assertions
On February 11, Kenneth Clarke, the Minister without Portfolio, wrote me an open letter — reported in The Times on February 13 — seeking to respond to the criticisms of the Justice and Security Bill that, along with Anthony Peto, QC, I made in a publication Neither Just Nor Secure. His points deserve a response.
The Bill’s shortcomings are manifold. It offends many common sense principles of justice and will, no doubt unintentionally, have perverse consequences. Worst of all, it will make uncovering the truth about Britain’s involvement in kidnap and torture — extraordinary rendition — even more difficult.
Here, in a nutshell, is what I think is wrong with some of Kenneth Clarke’s assertions.
‘Secret courts’ in civil cases Kenneth Clarke said that Closed Material Procedures (CMPs) will ensure that we get to the bottom of torture and rendition and that “public interest immunity” (PII) would not help to uncover the truth.
The opposite is the case. A huge amount of material relating to torture, rendition and the transfer of detainees has been made public only because of PII, which requires evidence of abuse to be disclosed when the interests of fair and open justice outweigh the interests of national security.”
To view the full article, please visit The Times website (£)
Read Andrew Tyrie and Anthony Peto’s report, ‘Neither Just nor Secure‘.
Date Added: Thursday 21st February 2013