Does the Conservative Party need to adopt a more Thatcherite approach to leadership? (City A.M)

Lewis Brown answers Does the Conservative Party need to adopt a more Thatcherite approach to leadership? in a City AM debate Thursday 18 April, 2013

To see Nick Denys of Platform 10’s counterargument, visit the City AM website


Lewis Brown

“If you set out to be liked, you will be prepared to compromise on anything at any time, and would achieve nothing”. Baroness Thatcher’s wise words resonate with the current political debate just as sharply as during her time in office. In almost all cases she did this, standing for her belief in free markets, low tax, a small state, independence, individuality and self-determination. Her resolute leadership made this country a much better place than when she took office in 1979. Contrast this with today; the challenges are just as great but our leadership is rarely as strong. Instead policy is judged by happiness and fairness; inevitable U-turns follow at the first sign of bad polling. The Lady was not for turning. Today’s politicians would do well to turn one more time – and look to her lessons on leadership.


To see Nick Denys of Platform 10’s counterargument, visit the City AM website

Date Added: Thursday 18th April 2013