CPS remembers co-founder Lady Thatcher:
- NEW FOOTAGE: Baroness Thatcher – 1996 CPS Keith Joseph Memorial Lecture
- Channel 4 News: Lord Saatchi on ‘selling’ Margaret Thatcher
- BBC Hardtalk: Lord Saatchi on Lady Thatcher
- Professor Niall Feguson, New York Times: Margaret Thatcher: Punk Savior
- Tim Knox, City AM: Privatisations of the 1980s attest to the success of Thatcher’s revolution
- Lord Saatchi, The Times: The campaign guru: ‘Here endeth her lessons’
- BBC Radio 4: Lord Saatchi remembers Baroness Thatcher
- Tim Knox: The derivation of “There is no such thing as society”
- CNBC: Thatcher: The Last of the Conviction Politicians?
- Kathy Gyngell: Mrs Thatcher, the woman I met and got to know – and like
- Professor Niall Ferguson, Financial Times: Margaret Thatcher: Right about nearly everything
- Ryan Bourne, City AM: The enduring principles of Thatcherism should still guide Britain today
- The Telegraph: Margaret Thatcher ‘changed the economy of the world’
Date Added: Friday 12th April 2013