Alex Brummer, Daily Mail, mentions one of the positives of the Budget the raising of the personal allowance which the CPS has advocated since 2001.
“There was a touch of both Gordon Brown and Nigel Lawson in Chancellor George Osborne’s third Budget.
The vast array of pettifogging changes – of little relevance to the general direction of the economy – are highly reminiscent of the Brown budgets, which were underpinned by a belief that somehow the state can make a difference by throwing small sums of money in lots of different directions.
On the plus side, however, Osborne has signalled a number of important changes to the tax system which are reminiscent of Lawson, who liked to take radical steps to reform and simplify the tax system.
By far the most radical is the move to take the least well-off in society out of the tax system by raising the personal allowance to £9,205.”
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Date Added: Thursday 22nd March 2012