Top Stories Online

Today’s stories from and about the CPS, as well as some of the most interesting articles seen online.


  • Economic Researcher Ryan Bourne has published an update to his factsheet on the increasing inaccuracy of MPC inflation forecasts – ‘Factsheet 6 UPDATE: the recent history of MPC inflation forecasts’
  • The factsheet was mentioned in Patrick Hosking’s Times article – ‘Savers are not off their trolley, just desperate’ (CPS link)
  • Kathy Gyngell blogs on the controversial morning after pill plans highlighted by The Telegraph’s front page splash yesterday – ‘A Licence to Spread STIs’
  •  Tony Lodge had a letter on fuel poverty published in the Times’ Letters to the Editor section – ‘Fuel poverty’ (CPS link)
  • Lewis Brown wrote a reaction blog to PMQ’s and the possible albeit unlikely change of path for the Labour Party – ‘Miliband’s line of attack at PMQ’s today will cut to the core of what it means to be a Conservative’
  • Lewis and the CPS interns Dane Barnett and Nick Jaques also contributed their predictions on a blog last night asking ‘Who would you vote for?’ in the race for the Republican nomination in 2012

Top Links


  • Britons ‘less willing to pay for taxes to help others’ (BBC News)
  • Britain turns to conservative values as recession bites: We want the State to stay out of our lives and sympathy for benefit claimants has evaporated (Mail Online)
  • PMQS: Weak outing for Cameron as Europe promises haunt (Harry Cole, The Commentator)
  • PMQs: Flashman meets his Waterloo as Ed Miliband looks more Eurosceptic than our Tory PM (Will Heaven, The Telegraph)
  • Now Boris piles more referendum pressure on Cameron (Paul Goodman, Conservative Home)
  • Back to basics (Old Holborn)


  • Yes to treaty change — but only on our terms (David Cameron MP, The Times, £)
  • Owen Paterson tells David Cameron: EU referendum is ‘inevitable’ (James Kirkup, The Telegraph)
  • David Cameron’s Man of Steel is an cast-iron hostage to fortune (Dan Hodges, The Telegraph)
  • Britain’s refusal to renegotiate stands in the way of the success of the European Project (Andrew Lilico, Conservative Home)
  • AUDIO: Martha Kearney interviews Boris Johnson ahead of EU summit – The World at One, BBC Radio 4 (Audioboo)
  • If we’re not pressing for a repatriation of power, what was all the Eurosceptic rhetoric for? (Dan Hannan MEP, The Telegraph)

World Politics

  • 10 GOP Endorsements That Still Matter in 2012’s Presidential Election (The Daily Beast)
  • Ron Paul’s Loyal Supporters Are Getting Ready To Shock The World In Iowa (Business Insider)
  • Gorbachev: Russia must hold a new election after fraud claims (Evening Standard)


  • A regiment of women monsterers (Nick Cohen, The Spectator)
  • Facebook Flaw Revealed Users’ Private Photos, Including Mark Zuckerberg’s Collection (Huffington Post)


The CPS is not responsible for the content of external links, nor does it necessarily endorse the opinions contained within.

Date Added: Wednesday 7th December 2011