Top Stories Online

Today’s stories from and about the CPS, as well as some of the most interesting articles seen online.


  • CPS Research Fellow Michael Johnson writes for City AM on the Coalition’s pensions climb down – ‘The coalition’s pension plan is an insult to private sector workers, not to the unions’
  • Employee Benefits has also reported on Michael’s paper with Placard – ‘Association of Consulting Actuaries publishes paper on public sector pensions’
  • Kieron O’Hara blogs on conflict of interests in transparency and the release of court information – ‘Naming – and shaming?’
  • Professor Jeremy Jennings authored a short piece on the UN genocide trials of Khmer Rouge leaders in Cambodia – ‘The Horror! The Horror!’

Top Links


  • Make unions apply an Equality Impact Assessment before calling a strike (Conservative Home)
  • How the Guardian destroyed the left’s excuses for the riots (Neil O’Brien, The Telegraph)


  • If you believe fiscal union would work, you must also believe in Santa Claus (Bruce Anderson, Conservative Home)
  • Q&A Euro crisis: everything you need to know (Iain Martin, The Telegraph)
  • Downing St insists there will be no EU referendum despite Iain Duncan Smith’s demands (James Kirkup, The Telegraph)
  • A new eurozone treaty and the Merkozy challenge to Britain: in or out, Mr Cameron? (James Kirkup, The Telegraph)

World Politics

  • Don’t Lock Women Out of Afghanistan’s Future (Megan Moore, The Commentator)
  • Hillary Clinton expresses ‘serious concerns’ over Russia’s elections (The Telegraph)
  • Why Cain supporters should consider Gary Johnson (Christopher Barron, GOProud)


Health & Science


  • Alaska man survives being stranded in snow by eating frozen beer (The Telegraph)


The CPS is not responsible for the content of external links, nor does it necessarily endorse the opinions contained within.

Date Added: Monday 5th December 2011