Today’s stories from and about the CPS, as well as some of the most interesting articles seen online chosen by @LewisCPS.
- Lewis James Brown, Web 2.0 Manager of the CPS, has listed some of the key dates for the Republicans in the build up to the 2012 US Presidential election – ‘Key GOP 2012 dates for your diary’
- Matthew Sinclair, Director of The Taxpayers’ Alliance, writes for The Spectator and builds on research carried out by CPS Head of Economic Research Ryan Bourne – ‘Executive pay: don’t believe the headlines’ (Saturday)
- Former CPS Director Ruth Lea authored an article on Sunday for Conservative Home on the relationships between the UK, the EU and the Commonwealth – ‘Ruth Lea: As the EU squabbles, the Commonwealth looks even more enticing’
- A proposal to provide caesarean sections on demand on the NHS is 60 years overdue, argues CPS Research Fellow Cristina Odone for the Telegraph – ‘Childbirth finally leaves the Stone Age’
- CPS Board member Fraser Nelson of The Spectator on the birth of the seven billionth human – ‘7 billion and onwards’
- See also – ‘The wisdom of Eurosceptic crowds’ (Sunday)
- CPS Advisory Council member Tim Montgomerie of Conservative Home writes on the Mainstream Conservatism project – ‘The economic policy we have and the economic policy we need’
- Also See – ‘Dangerous distance opens up between Cameron and the country, party and centre right press on Europe’
Top Links
- A three-pronged plan to revive Britain’s economy (David Cameron, Financial Times [£])
- EU in bid to veto UK bank reform (Juliet Samuel, City AM)
- Why we need to defend the City against the Financial Transaction Tax (Janice Atkinson-Small for Mail Online)
- Why France – Not Greece or Italy – Will Decide the Fate of the Euro (Time)
- Nick Clegg keeps getting Europe wrong (Douglas Carswell)
- The powers that be (Paul Waugh for Ethos)
- Britain’s universities need real reform (Allister Heath, City AM)
- Michael Gove: Stop the whingeing and get teaching (Evening Standard)
- Liam Fox: media ‘made a meal’ of relationship with Adam Werritty (Telegraph)
- If tomorrow’s growth figures disappoint, Plan B will be a step closer, whatever David Cameron says (Daniel Knowles, Telegraph)
- Unprecedented growth of 1.3 per cent needed for OBR to meet its projection (Left Foot Forward)
- John Mann MP makes a stand against the antisemitism on display on Wall Street (John Mann MP for The Commentator)
- Mitt Romney Limits National Media Exposure With Frontrunner Strategy (Michael Calderone, Huffington Post)
- Back to the USSR (Julia Pettengill in Standpoint)
The CPS is not responsible for the content of external links, nor does it necessarily endorse the opinions contained within.
Date Added: Monday 31st October 2011