Lewis James Brown
Today we are hugely excited to launch the brand new CPS website. The project has been many months in planning and design and we are immensely proud of what we are able to present to you today.
The CPS has a great desire to be innovative in its use of ‘new’ media and one of my first tasks on being appointed here has been to create a web presence capable of incorporating all forms of online communication – from video and images to social media, the new website has the capacity to promote the message of the CPS in modern and forward-thinking ways. Our goal is to see the important and radical publications of the Centre being able to reach wider audiences and making more of an impact than ever before.
We also intend to increase our presence in the blogosphere, not only from our in house team but through a talented stable of ‘academic bloggers’, an interesting and knowledgeable base of opinion that we do not hear enough from at present.
2011 has also been a good year for the CPS in terms of media coverage, and the site will allow us to bring you the latest news stories about the Centre, and wider policy in general, like never before.
This first phase of development is complete but the world of online technology is fast moving and we have much more to do. In the next few months we will endeavor to expand our use of social media, online video and smartphone based applications.
We must thank our web builders AB Design who have been instrumental in putting the site together.
Do join us on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn and subscribe on YouTube to keep up to date with all our latest news and developments. We’ve also looked to make this site as interactive as possible, so leave us a comment and let us know what you think or would like to see!
Date Added: Monday 7th November 2011