Tied up in Red Tape: How Britain can Regulate Better

01/05/2024 - 01/05/2024


Wesdnesday 1st May

10.30 – 11.30


Since 2010, successive governments have promised to cut regulation, with some even claiming to have succeeded.

But are they telling the truth? A new report by the Centre for Policy Studies provides the most detailed portrait yet of our regulatory system, built on examining thousands of impact assessments across a decade of legislation. It argues that we need a fundamental overhaul in how we treat regulation, if we are ever to get an accurate picture of the burden – let alone bring it under control.

Join us for a panel discussion marking the publication of ‘The Future of Regulation‘, with report authors and Robert Colvile and  Tom Clougherty, as well as Conservative MP John Penrose, Policy Director at Startup Coalition Camilla de Coverly Veale and Dr Gerard Lyons. The event will take place at Old Queen Street Café on Wednesday 1st May from 10.30 11.30.  Tea, coffee and biscuits will be available for guests to enjoy.


Wednesday 1st May

10.30 – 11.30