Calming the chaos: how can we fix Britain’s energy market problems?
John Penrose, MP for Weston-super-Mare and Prime Minister’s Anti-Corruption Champion
Sam Dumitriu, Research Director – The Entrepreneurs Network
Tim Lord, Senior Fellow for Net Zero – Tony Blair Institute for Global Change
Audrey Gallacher, Deputy Chief Executive and Director of Policy – Energy UK
Eamonn Ives, Head of Energy and Environment, Centre for Policy Studies (Chair)
We are delighted to invite you to a panel event we are hosting with John Penrose MP on ‘Calming the chaos: how can we fix Britain’s energy market problems?’. This event will bring together a group of experts to focus the current issues in the retail energy market, and how we might be able to resolve them.
Given the recent energy market crisis, our panel will discuss the impact it has had and may have for the heavy industry, the food sector and energy suppliers and whether the recent turbulence poses any questions for the Government’s ambitions to decarbonise the power sector per its Net Zero and earlier climate targets.
Tuesday 14th December
13.00 – 14.00
Register now to secure your place!