'War or Peace: The Struggle for World Power' with Professor Deepak Lal

27/02/2019 - 27/02/2019


is delighted to host an event to mark the publication of

“War or Peace: The Struggle for World Power”

by Professor Deepak Lal

Wednesday 27 February

Professor Deepak Lal is James S. Coleman Professor Emeritus of International Development Studies, University of California at Los Angeles, and Professor Emeritus of Political Economy, University College London. He has been a member of the Indian Foreign Service, (1963-66), a full-time consultant to the Indian Planning Commission (1973-74) and a consultant to numerous international agencies and governments. He received the Italian Societa Libera’s International Freedom Prize for Economics in 2007, and was the President of the Mont Pelerin Society.

Attendance at this event is by invitation only. For more information on this event, please contact [email protected].