Events at Conservative Party Conference - Manchester 2013

30/09/2013 - 01/10/2013

The Centre for Policy Studies held three extremely successful events at the Conservative Party Conference Fringe in Manchester in September/October 2013. 

Solving the aviation conundrum: a simple and affordable plan for Heathrow

Steve Baker MP

Allister Heath – Editor City A.M.

Captain Jock Lowe – Heathrow Hub

Graeme Leach – Chief Economist and Director of Policy, Institute of Directors

Chair: Tim Knox – Director, CPS

Sponsored by Heathrow Hub


Economic Green Shoots: what the Government should or shouldn’t do

Monday 30 September, 18.00 – 19.15 Manchester Town Hall

Andrew Tyrie MP – Chairman Treasury Select Committee

Mark Boleat – Chairman of the Policy and Resources Committee, City of London

Dr Gerard Lyons – Economic Adviser to the Mayor of London

Fraser Nelson – Editor The Spectator

Chair: Tim Knox – Director, CPS

Sponsored by City of London


The future of the railways – 20 years since privatisation

Tuesday 1 October, 1pm, Raddison Blu Edwardian Hotel, Peter Street

Simon Burns MP – Minister of State for Transport

Arthur Leathley – Communications Director, Virgin Trains

Tony Lodge – CPS Research Fellow and Author, Rail’s Second Chance

Richard McClean – Managing Director, Grand Central Railway

Chair: Tim Knox – Director, CPS

Sponsored by Conservative Transport Group and Virgin Trains 
