Thursday 10th January, 2013 from 12.45-2.30pm

The CPS held a round-table lunch to discuss the extraordinary monetary policy actions we have seen over recent years, otherwise known as Quantitative Easing.
Download the notes from the event here.
In particular, the discussion touched on:
a) The significance, or non-significance, of the recent ‘cash management’ change
b) If, how and when QE can be unwound and how this should interact with interest rates
c) The relative success or otherwise of QE to date
To open the discussion, we welcomed:
- Stephen King – HSBC’s group chief economist and the Bank’s global head of economics and asset allocation research.
- Andrew Sentance – Senior Economic Adviser to PwC, having previously served as an external member of the Monetary Policy Committee of the Bank of England.
- Pippa Malmgren – President and founder of Principalis Asset Management
The event then opened out into an informal round-table discussion, chaired by CPS Director Tim Knox.