Anglo-American relations series: reflections on the Presidential election and a US view on the Eurozone crisis
Tuesday 11th December, 2012

The CPS is hosting a round-table lunch to discuss the fall-out from the recent US Presidential election, which saw President Obama re-elected for a second term. What can the world expect from the President this time around? What does this mean for the Republican party and the US conservative movement more broadly? In addition to examining these questions, we’ll reflect on the US position on the on-going Eurozone crisis and the proposed deeper integration of EU states.
To open the discussion, we are delighted to welcome:
- Professor Colleen Graffy of Pepperdine University – a former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy for Europe and Eurasia in the US and chairman for Republicans abroad in the United Kingdom.
- Dr Ted Bromund – a Senior Research Fellow from the Heritage Foundation who studies and writes on British foreign and security policies and Anglo-American relations in The Margaret Thatcher Center for Freedom.
- Brian Carney – Wall Street Journal Europe.
The event will then open out into an informal round-table discussion, chaired by CPS Director Tim Knox.
The lunch will take place under Chatham House Rule, but will be attended by policy makers, politicians and journalists specialising in defence and foreign affairs.
Places are limited, please enquire to Ryan Bourne [email protected] or 0207 222 4488 if you wish to attend.