Media Coverage

929 - 944 of 1210 Search results

Public sector pensions bill rises £7.4billion due to ‘toxic tangle’ with state reforms (MoneyMarketing)

Michael Johnson’s report, “A Toxic Tangle”, was featured in MoneyMarketing on Monday 4th February.

Taxpayer faces £41billion per year bill for public sector pensions (City AM)

Michael Johnson’s report, “A Toxic Tangle”, was profiled in City AM on Monday 4th February.

Taxpayer faces £41billion a year bill for bloated pensions of public sector workers (The Daily Mail)

Michael Johnson’s report, “A Toxic Tangle”, was featured in The Daily Mail on Monday 4th February. To view the full article, please visit The Daily Mail “Every household in Britain faces a bill of £1,600 a year to pay for the bloated pensions of public sector workers, an industry expert has warned. The future costs to… View Article

Public sector pensions could cost up to

Michael Johnson’s report, “A Toxic Tangle”, was featured on the front page of The Telegraph on Monday 4th February. To view the full article, please visit The Telegraph website “Experts from the Centre for Policy Studies claim to have found a new £9 billion-a-year “pensions black hole” that will have to be footed by taxpayer by… View Article

Pensions Bill Soars (The Sun)

Michael Johnson’s report, “A Toxic Tangle“, was profiled on page two of The Sun newspaper on Monday 4th February. “Families will be forced to shell out £1,600 a year as pension costs spiral, a think tank report warns. The Centre for Policy Studies said taxpayers could be paying £41billion a year before 2023. Public Sector… View Article

Key to addiction (The Daily Telegraph)

CPS Research Fellow Kathy Gyngell writes in The Telegraph. SIR – The solution to addiction lies with the family, not with the state (“They were gripped by a vice beyond their control”, Features, January 24). Families alone can change their behaviour to stop enabling their addict. Decriminalising drugs is not the answer, as Sigrid Rausing… View Article

Lord Vinson question on UK trade

On the 23rd January 2013, CPS founder Lord Vinson contributed to a House of Lords discussion on UK trade.  Question from Lord Vinson: To ask Her Majesty’s Government what steps they are taking to encourage export competitiveness and import substitution in view of the United Kingdom’s trade current account deficit, running at £29 billion in 2011…. View Article

The failure of QE isn’t an excuse for further Bank of England experiments (City AM)

Head of Economic Research Ryan Bourne writes for City AM on the Bank of England and QE.  To view the article as its original posting, visit the City AM website.  “QUANTITATIVE easing (QE) is like macroeconomic doping. America is like Lance Armstrong.” Or so a British journalist overheard at Davos. Relative to the size of the… View Article

Media impact for

Media Impact report for “Neither just nor secure” by Andrew Tyrie MP and Anthony Peto QC, published by the CPS on Monday 28th January 2013.  “Yes, the intelligence services do a vital job. Yes, they are doing it in very difficult circumstances. Yes, they deserve our full support. But secret courts and ever-tighter restrictions on… View Article

Low-cost, reliable and abundant energy is essential to reduce fuel poverty and keep British industry competitive (The Times)

CPS energy expert Tony Lodge wrote to The Times on 23rd January 2013 regarding the staggering gap in energy prices that could appear between the EU and UK as a result of the forthcoming carbon price floor. Sir, The energy charities and businesses which have written to the Prime Minister to warn of soaring fuel… View Article

Robert Halfon MP answers Ryan Bourne (The Spectator)

In follow up to Head of Economic Research Ryan Bourne’s recent extended blog about Robert Halfon MP’s 10p tax proposal, the MP for Harlow responds in The Spectator. To read the full article, visit The Spectator’s Coffee House page. “MPs will today debate taxes and the living wage – in particular, my campaign to restore the 10p rate of income… View Article

The Prime Minister’s Speech: Coalition Manager or Statesman?

Ahead of David Cameron’s speech on Britain’s relationship with the European Union, four influential voices give their opinion on what the Prime Minister’s speech should contain. They are: Lord Blackwell; CPS Board Member and former Head of the Number 10 Policy Unit 1995-97 “Will the speech set out a serious agenda for the UK? Or… View Article

VIDEO: Medical Innovation Bill: Lord Saatchi on cancer treatment (BBC Daily Politics)

CPS Chairman Lord Saatchi appeared on BBC Daily Politics on 16th January 2013 to discuss the Medical Innovation Bill. This video is courtesy of the BBC website. “Lord Saatchi – best known as an advertising guru – is introducing a bill aiming to help find a cure for cancer 18 months after he lost his wife… View Article

The UK’s credit rating will fall victim to the failure to tweak RPI (City AM)

George Trefgarne, author of CPS publication ‘Metroboom‘, writes for City AM on the surprise failure to change the RPI measure of inflation. To view the full article, visit the City AM website.  “WHEN asked who your favourite chancellor is, it’s fashionable to reply William Gladstone. He is the man who helped construct the Victorian liberal state,… View Article

CPS Board member John Nash appointed to government

Many congratulations to CPS Board Member John Nash who has just been named Parliamentary Under Secretary of State at the Department of Education. Nash was educated at Corpus Christi College, Oxford where he read law and then became a barrister.  He practiced briefly and then went into the City.  He worked at Lazards for 8 years… View Article

Were MPs right to cap the benefits rise at 1 per cent? (City AM)

CPS Head of Economic Research Ryan Bourne debates NIESR’s Jonathan Portes on the government’s benefits cap.  To view the full debate, visit the City AM website.  “THE government is struggling to control borrowing and this is partly due to a 5.9 per cent increase in net social security payments this financial year compared with last. Many… View Article

929 - 944 of 1210 Search results